WIOA & Registered Apprenticeship
WIOA-Funded Individuals WHO: Dislocated Workers Low Income Adults Youth (ages 16-24) with barriers to employment Incumbent Workers who require additional skills to retain employment HOW: Directly enters into Registered Apprenticeship Program Participates in Pre-Apprenticeship program leading to R.A. Requires R.A. Sponsor to be listed on the State’s Eligible Training Provider List
Get on State Eligible Training Provider List ETPL By: Sending a letter of request to the State Apprenticeship Council or the State Agency responsible for approving programs on the ETPL Sponsors of registered apprenticeship programs are automatically eligible to be listed on the ETPL Non-registered apprenticeship programs must meet additional approval requirements to be listed on the ETPL.
WIOA funding can support Cost of Related Instruction Classroom Tuition Books and Fees Uniforms Support Services like: Childcare Transportation to and from classroom or worksite Reimbursed to the training provider, service provider or apprentices. Partial Cost of On-the-Job Learning Up to 50% of apprentice wages for a specific period of time Reimbursed to the employer.
Pre-Apprenticeship Cost Support Pre-apprenticeship Classes Can support up to 100% of classroom costs for programs leading to registered apprenticeship Paid directly to the classroom training provider or institution. Pre-apprenticeship Work Experience Can support up to 100% of on-job learning for short period of time through Work Experience funds. Paid for by the program to the pre- apprentice.