Review today’s material Thursday August 16, 2018 Homework Review today’s material Look on the clipboard for your seat number No warmup today DO NOT LOGIN UNTIL GIVEN INSTRUCTIONS TO DO SO Announcements
Review today’s material What am I going to do today? Thursday August 16, 2018 Homework Review today’s material What am I learning today? 7th grade Social Studies SGM What am I going to do today? 7th Grade SS SGM What will I do to show that I learned it? Complete the SGM Beginning of year Current Standard(s):
Test Time Clear your desk Reminder: NO TALKING!!!!
When you finish your SGM….. Make sure you log out of iRespond You may: Read silently **Remain silent until you leave today. Good luck!!**
Write Pre-Test on Wednesday’s Block Have a great rest of your day Daily Summary Write Pre-Test on Wednesday’s Block Have a great rest of your day