NHS Long Term Plan: Rapid Diagnostic Centres (RDC) The SWAG Approach


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Presentation transcript:

NHS Long Term Plan: Rapid Diagnostic Centres (RDC) The SWAG Approach Patricia McLarnon, Programme Manager SWAG Cancer Alliance on behalf of Dr Amelia Randle, Clinical Lead, SWAG Cancer Alliance

Rapid Diagnostic Service By 2028 75% Cancers to be diagnosed at Stage 1&2 67% of people with vague symptoms are diagnosed at a late stage in comparison to 45% for people without vague symptoms (ACE Programme, Multidisciplinary Diagnostic Centre (MDC) based pathways for patients with non-specific but concerning symptoms: Interim report) Patients with vague symptoms are more often diagnosed at an emergency presentation (PHE-Routes to diagnosis 2006-2015) Absence of an optimal referral pathway for patients presenting with non-specific but concerning symptoms and variation in standards NHS England Service Specification (To be published mid July) 15% of Alliance Funds for 2019/20 to be spent on development of rapid diagnostic service for patients with serious but non-specific symptoms £900,000 for SWAG - The RDC vision will be achieved by taking a phased approach to implementation over a five-year period A personalised, accurate and timely diagnosis of patients’ symptoms via co-ordinated and rapid series of tests. integrating existing diagnostic provision and utilising networked clinical expertise and information locally (rad/path networks) Holistic Diagnostic Assessment – Not a rule in- rule out service but get a diagnosis (28d) Single point of access to a diagnostic pathway for symptoms that could be cancer Participation in minimum dataset Rapid Diagnostic Service

As SWAG is a rural Alliance one RDC will not meet the needs of our diverse population The SWAG Cancer Alliance would like to support the development of Rapid Diagnostic Services (RDS) providing services to 30-50,000 patients within Primary Care Networks (PCN) RDC Principals A single point of access to a diagnostic pathway for all patients with symptoms that could indicate cancer A personalised, accurate and timely diagnosis of patients’ symptoms by integrating existing diagnostic provision and utilising networked clinical expertise and information locally Service to be delivered within PCNs – pop 30,000 – 50,000 Money to be spent on clinical time and networking NHS England Spec estimates 80 patients / 100,000 per year = 24-40 per PCN Consider broadening scope to include 2ww referrals of limited clinical value Don’t want to add additional unnecessary steps where further investigations clearly defined.

Each RDS service will have a lead clinician who will: 1. The problem Each RDS service will have a lead clinician who will: Offer 45-minute appointment for eligible patients – providing comprehensive clinical assessment including health and social assessment relevant to the patient’s efficient navigation of their forward pathway. This assessment to be within the GP network geography providing the service for patients close to their home. Establish relationships with secondary care teams to enable rapid access to appropriate investigation and multidisciplinary clinical advice. Investigations will be arranged in a streamlined way by establishing provision with existing diagnostic services. e.g. ring-fenced CT slots available on the day following the clinic. Establish relationships with clinicians within the GP network to support early diagnosis of cancer and appropriate referral to service. Work with the Cancer Alliance to share outcomes from each of the sites to evolve the service provision as we gain experience of what works well and, in due course, support roll out of services in neighbouring networks. The clinical lead could be a GP, consultant or Allied Health professional and could be employed by primary or secondary care. The initial assessment will be provided within the network geography either GP practice or other provider such as a local hospital if located within the network. Opportunities

Potential service models 1. The problem Potential service models Model 1 GP as providing service in their practice for patients in all network practices offering 45-minute appointments on one day a week. GPs working in the practice identify appropriate patients and book them directly into the slot leaving referral information to be accessed on the clinical system. They will organise basic tests, so the results are available for this appointment. GP lead clinician assesses patient in clinic slot, discusses with secondary care and/or arranges rapid access to appropriate investigations at the local hospital. Model 2 Acute trust within geography of three GP networks providing clinic at hospital outpatients for all three networks with GPs referring according to agreed criteria. This gives potential for same day investigation with e.g. CT. Model 3 Advanced Nurse practitioner employed by acute trust provides clinical service for a number of primary care networks – offering clinic slots at different GP practices on different days of the week Opportunities

Benefits Patient NHS Holistic care closer to home Reduce 2WW Continuity of care Multidisciplinary specialist opinion Rapid investigations Faster diagnosis Reduce 2WW Optimised use of investigations More efficient use of consultant, CNS and GP time NHS Patient

EOI to be submitted by 31st July 2019 STP Lead Secondary care lead PCN Lead Brief outline of proposal / ideas. (You do not need to have a full proposal at this stage, enthusiasm to work with local teams and develop a service is more important but we would be interested to hear your early thoughts on how this may work within your network – continued evaluation and evolution throughout the pilots Cost effective service to be commissioned Aug - EOI review and agreed - RDS design + business plan 10K budget to support project planning and business case Sept - set up event Dec – pre-launch event GO LIVE Jan 1 2020 July 2020 celebration event Networking with primary care and secondary care clinicians Agreement of referral criteria / initial work-up Liaison with specialist teams Access to agreed appropriate investigation Address unwarranted variation and inequality of access

Opportunities for haematology To be creative for this patient cohort 1. The problem Opportunities for haematology To be creative for this patient cohort   To transform and be involved in designing these services – funded clinical lead time provide clinical expertise to the RDS design Contact STP cancer lead or Dr Amelia Randle amelia.randle@nhs.net Mobile: 07733101554 Opportunities