Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Animalia Eukaryotic- cells have nucleus & organelles Multicellular- No single celled animals Heterotrophs- get energy from other organisms No Cell Walls- only kingdom with no cell walls
Kingdom Animalia Earliest fossils- ~542,000,000 years ago Approximately 1,500,000 species 1,200,000 species (80%) in the class Insecta
Kingdom Animalia Approximately 30 phyla The 9 largest phyla will be presented in Adv. Biology
Vocabulary Sessile- Attached to a substrate Motile- Able to move. Animals are classified according to the following: Sessile- Attached to a substrate Substrate- The ground, the sea floor, a rock, or other object. Motile- Able to move. Sponges are sessile.→
Kingdom Animalia Symmetry Bilateral Symmetry- Body plan with 2 identical sides Radial Symmetry- Body plan with sections radiating from a central point. Asymmetrical- having an irregular body plan. Sea stars have radial symmetry.→
Kingdom Animalia Bilateral Symmetry:
Kingdom Animalia Asymmetrical- Sponges are asymmetrical
Kingdom Animalia Gut- Digestive tract. Incomplete Gut- Digestive tract with only one opening. Complete Gut- Digestive tract with 2 openings.
Kingdom Animalia Body Cavity (coelom) 3 types:
Kingdom Animalia Body Systems Animals are also classified on the basis of whether or not they have certain body systems: Digestive System- complete/incomplete Circulatory System- Heart, blood vessels Nervous System- Nerves, brain, sensory organs Excretory System- Kidneys- clean the blood Muscular System- Allows for Skeletal System- Movement` Reproductive System- Respiratory System- Immune System- Endocrine System-
Key features used to classify animals:
Kingdom Animalia
Kingdom Animalia