Application guideline for International students in Inha University 인하대학교 외국인 원서접수 방법 정리 Application guideline for International students in Inha University
원서접수 프로세스 Application Process Online application → Application fee payment → Documents Submission → Completion of application
온라인 원서접수 Online application
1. Go to Inha university international center website ( 2. Click on ”Admissions” -> “Undergraduate Program” -> “Notice” or Click on internet banner at the bottom of the website ① ②
1. Click on ”2019학년도 2학기 외국인 신편입학 특별전형 원서접수“ ① ②
① Click on “Sign Up” (회원가입) Create ID Uwayapply ID ① Click on “Sign Up” (회원가입) ①
Choose language ① Click on “ENGLISH” ①
① Click on “The other application” Join 2018 common registration ① Click on “The other application” ①
① Choose English Language ② Click on “Agreement for Service User” ③ Click on “Entrustment of Private Information” ④ Click on “Agree” 이용약관 및 개인정보사용관련 동의/ Agree on “Terms of Use” and “Use of Personal Information” ① ② ③ ④
① Click on “설치” (set up) ① Download and set up the program (for personal information security) ① Click on “설치” (set up) ①
Download and set up the program (for personal information security) ① Click on “예” (yes) ①
① Click on “설치” (set up) ① Download and set up the program (for personal information security) ① Click on “설치” (set up) ①
① Click on “종료” (finish) Download and set up the program (for personal information security) ① Click on “종료” (finish) ①
1. Go to Inha university international center website ( 2. Click on ”Admissions” -> “Undergraduate Program” -> “Notice” or Click on internet banner at the bottom of the website ② ①
1. Click on ”2019학년도 2학기 외국인 신편입학 특별전형 원서접수“ ① ②
① Click on “Sign Up” (회원가입) Create ID Uwayapply ID ① Click on “Sign Up” (회원가입) ①
Choose language ① Click on “ENGLISH” ①
① Click on “The other application” Join 2019 common registration ① Click on “The other application” ①
Agree on “Terms of Use” and “Use of Personal Information” ① Click on “Agreement for Service User” ② Click on “Entrustment of Private Information” ③ Click on “Agree” ① ② ③
① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ① Click on “I do not have a mobile phone number” ② Create your ID and password: 1) ID – click on “중복확인“ to check whether the ID is enable to use. Your ID should fit in 5 letters. 2) in password: 8-12 letters, upper/lower case letters and special characters should be included ③ Insert your name (with no space in between. ex: Kimveronica); date of birth (year, month and day), gender (남자-male; 여자-female) and e-mail ④Check the agreement for email notifications ⑤Click on “confirm” ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
① Type in “인하대학교” ② Press on “인하대학교” Search for INHA University
① Click on “원서작성”
① Agree on “Terms of Use” and “Use of Personal Information” ① Click on “동의함” (agree) ①
외국인 원서접수 ④ Application Process ④ Sophomore Transfer Junior Transfer (Regular) Junior Transfer (GLOBA) 국제학부 - Global Studies faculty is in the end of the list Click to choose => Choose major – eg: Business Administration Business Administration Choose “Foreign applicant with Non-Korean Parents” If not, choose other one Global Finance and Banking Asia Pacific School of Logistics Current school name Current major Country Click to choose If you have not acquired either IELTS or TOEFL yet, choose the 1st option. Write down score Date of acquisition Year/ month/day Acquired Will acquire
① Write in information of applicants Application Process ① Write in information of applicants ① Name in Korean (if you can’t type in Korean use google translator) Name in English Last Name Gender M F Choose current country of staying Choose nationality Passport number
Korean number (If you don’t have, just fill in any digits) Phone number in your country Full address where you want to get certificate of Admission Email address Additional phone number ① Additional phone number ② How you would like to get a refund of application fee Choose “office visiting” Name of person, who will receive the post Full address in Korea (If you don’t have, just ignore)
① Write in requested information (“*” indicates mandatory information) Application Process ① Write in requested information (“*” indicates mandatory information) ② Click on “동의함” (agree) If you don’t have Korean bank account you can ignore it ① ②
① Click on “동의함” (agree) ② After writing in information Click on “저장하기 (SAVE)” Application Process ① ②
외국인 원서접수 Application Process ① Confirm your information ② After confirmation click on “출신학교 입력” ③ If something is wrong, press “수정하기” to edit 외국인 원서접수 Application Process ③ ②
① After filling the form Click on “저장하기” (SAVE) 외국인 원서접수 ⑥ Application Process ⑥ ① After filling the form Click on “저장하기” (SAVE) University Choose country of your university Write name of your university Year/month/ day (entrance date to the university) Year/month/ day (date of graduation from current university) Full address of your current university ①
① After confirming click on “결제하기” (Payment) 외국인 원서접수 ⑥ Application Process ⑥ ① After confirming click on “결제하기” (Payment) ①
외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤ *In case of making payment from overseas go back to the slide #36. 외국인 원서접수 ⑤ Application Process ⑤ *In case of making payment in Korea follow the steps below. ① Choose U-cash for payment. ② Choose ‘”하나” bank, and get the bank account to transfer the application fee. ③ Click “유캐쉬 계좌 신청하기” to get bank account ④ After you transfer the payment, you will see the amount of money (105.000 KRW). ⑤ Click on “동의” (agree) ⑥ Lastly press “결제하기” (pay). Click here if you want to modify filled information ① Choose Ucash payment ② Click here to get bank account ④ ③ Choose any bank Bank account ⑤ ⑥
IMPORTANT to do after payment Log in at uwayapply site Press the “미결제” (unpaid) 105.000 원 ②
IMPORTANT to do after payment Check the payment status (whether you have money paid) Press the “결제” (payment) 105.000 원 ① ②
IMPORTANT to do after payment Click on “접수완료확인” (confirmation of application) Download/print application form, school information form, self statement and study plan form Send these documents with all others (via post or e-mail 105.000 원 ① ②
Application fee payment - Amount: $100 (except remittance fee). Remittance fee must also be payed by the applicant. - Overseas remittance to Inha University’s account number ▶ Bank name : KEB HANA BANK, INHA UNIVERSITY BRANCH ▶ Bank branch address : 22212 100 Inha-ro, Michuhol-gu, Incheon, Korea ▶ Name of the account holder : Inha University ▶ Account number : 748-910105-03105 ▶ Swift(BIC) Code of the Bank : KOEXKRSE ※ important - After payment, applicant must send us applicant’s name, remitter’s name and remittance receipt via