Kepler’s Laws
Science Starter After reading the article, write one or two paragraphs: What is your opinion on it? What is an “orbit”? Name 2 things that orbit, and tell what they orbit around
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Standard 1.1.1: KEPLER’S LAWS How do planets move?
WHO IS KEPLER? While watching the video, write down 3 interesting facts about Johannes Kepler Video Link
KEPLER’S LAWS Kepler created 3 laws that discuss how Earth and the other planets move
1ST LAW: LAW OF ELLIPSES Planets move in elliptical orbits with the sun at one focus
WHY AN ELLIPSE?! The shape is determined by 2 focal points The sun has such a large gravitational pull that the sun is at one focus and their other is empty!
ROTATION VS. REVOLUTION spinning orbiting 24 hours 1 year QUICK REVIEW ROTATION VS. REVOLUTION spinning orbiting 24 hours 1 year
2ND LAW: LAW OF EQUAL AREAS Planets speed up when they are closer to the sun because of the sun’s gravitational pull
2ND LAW: LAW OF EQUAL AREAS Which is the faster side?
BARYCENTER Barycenter – the center of mass between 2 points All bodies (including the planets and the sun) revolve around a barycenter
3RD LAW: LAW OF HARMONIES The time it takes to revolve around the sun is proportional to the distance from the sun The further from the sun, the longer the revolution
Plot a graph of the DISTANCE from the SUN (on the x-axis) against the TIME for one ORBIT (on the y-axis)
EXIT TICKET Write a 5 minute essay to answer the burning question: How do planets move? Take the full 5 minutes to write your answer, and try to include information about as many of Kepler’s Laws as you can!
Video h?v=f6foCDF6zI0
FINISHING UP FROM YESTERDAY Complete solar system drawing