Monday January 28th 2019 Using your current knowledge of gravity…how do you think planets are formed? You have 3 minutes; no technology/devices It’s okay to not get it correct!
Tuesday January 29th 2019 Sir Isaac Newton object attracts object We’ve already talked about the man who first hypothesized gravity…what was his name? His [answer to #1] theory stated that every ________ in the universe ___________ to every other ___________. His [answer to #1] theory became known as the Law of ________________ ___________________. Sir Isaac Newton object attracts object Universal Gravitation
Wednesday January 30th 2019 NO SCHOOL - SNOW DAY
AIT Day (Half day for Students) Thursday January 31st 2019 1st & 7th Periods ONLY In order for a celestial object (i.e., planet, star, moon, etc.) to remain in it’s orbital path…two things are needed. What are those two (2) things? 2nd, 3rd, & 5th Periods AIT Day (Half day for Students) Gravity Inertia
ACE Day NO BELLWORK Friday February 1st 2019 Gravity Inertia 2nd & 3rd Periods ONLY In order for a celestial object (i.e., planet, star, moon, etc.) to remain in it’s orbital path…two things are needed. What are those two (2) things? 1st, 5th & 7th Periods ACE Day NO BELLWORK Gravity Inertia