Fig. 1. Antituberculosis drug resistance rate (%) and pattern in sanatoria of North Korea: (A) patients (n = 489) in all sanatoria analyzed in this study, (B) patients (n = 263) in region A, (C) patients (n = 108) in sanatoria located in region B, and (D) patients (n = 118) in region C. M. tuberculosis strains were isolated from the first sputum samples of each patient and used for DST as described in the text. Region A = the capital city area, Region B = North Pyongan Province, Region C = South Pyongan and Hwanghae Provinces, DST = drug susceptibility test, TB = tuberculosis, INH = isoniazid, RIF = rifampicin, EMB = ethambutol, PZA = pyrazinamide, S = streptomycin, Km = kanamycin, Am = amikacin, Cm = capreomycin, Ofx = ofloxacin, Mfx = moxifloxacin, PAS = para-aminosalicylic acid, Eto = ethionamide, Cs = cycloserine. Fig. 1. Antituberculosis drug resistance rate (%) and pattern in sanatoria of North Korea: (A) patients (n = 489) in all sanatoria analyzed in this study, (B) patients (n = 263) in region A, (C) patients (n = 108) in sanatoria located in region B, and (D) patients (n = 118) in region C. M. tuberculosis strains were isolated from the first sputum samples of each… J Korean Med Sci. 2017 Jul;32(7):1105-1110.