Profile of a Viking Graduate Graduation Pathways
Why are the graduation requirements changing? “Students are now able to individualize their graduation requirements to align to their postsecondary goal.” “No longer must all students fit into the same academic mold, but rather, they can choose the options that best meet their postsecondary needs and aspirations. “ “Students can create pathways that serve their educational interests and prepares them for postsecondary educational and career opportunities.”
Current 8th Grade Students and Younger Class of 2023 & Beyond Current 8th Grade Students and Younger
Class of 2023 & Beyond... The Graduation Pathways method of completing high school will be the only system in place for the 2023 cohort (current 8th grade students) and beyond to graduate from high school.
Indiana Diploma (new format...same diploma) All cohorts are still required to meet the course and credit requirements (regardless of pathway) for an Indiana Diploma with any of the following designations: General Core 40 Core 40 w/ Academic Honors Core 40 w/ Technical Honors
Current High School Students In addition to meeting the diploma requirements, the classes of 2023 & beyond may reach graduation status by the following means: Successfully completing a Graduation Pathway *Unsuccessfully completing a Graduation Pathway, but receiving a waiver from the pathway requirement
1. Successful Completion of Graduation Pathways 2. Waiver from Graduation Pathways Requirements of waiver: Can only waive box #3 95% Attendance 2.0 or better GPA Demonstrate postsecondary planning by attempting at least 3 elements from Box 3 Students must satisfy all three of the following Graduation Pathway Requirements: High School Diploma Learn & Demonstrate Employability Skills Postsecondary-Ready Competencies If waiver percentage is too high, the school will be required to submit a remediation plan (subsequent years will be required to collaborate with IDOE on remediation plan).
Unpacking a Graduation Pathway
Boxes... Box 1 - High School Diploma: complete the necessary credit and course requirements for the Indiana Diploma
Boxes... Box 2 - Learn & Demonstrate Employability Skills: complete at least one of the following: Project-Based Learning Experience (PBL) Capstone project (some courses already include this), Portfolio with public presentation, Must include “design principles”, Meaningful problem to solve or a question to answer Service-Based Learning Experience (SBL) meaningful service to enrich and apply academic knowledge, teach civic and personal responsibility (and other employability skills), and strengthen communities (some IHSAA athletics and after school clubs qualify for this experience) Work-Based Learning Experience (WBL) Employment (on record with the high school), Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate, Work Based Learning, some CTE courses
Boxes... Box 3 - Postsecondary-Ready Competencies: complete at least one of the following: Honors Diploma (Academic or Technical) SAT (College-Ready benchmarks); 480 ERW / 530 Math ACT (College-Ready benchmarks); 18 Eng / 22 Rdg / 22 Math / 23 Science ASVAB (minimum AFQT score); 31 (Army/National Guard) State- and Industry-recognized Credential or Certificate (e.g. Fire Fighter I, CNA, Welding) Career-Technical Education (CTE); 6 credits with “C” average or better AP/IB/DC Courses; 3 credits with a “C” average or better (must sit for tests where applicable) *Remember this is the only box that current high school students may be able to waiver if they attempt 3 different competencies (e.g. SAT, ASVAB, CTE)
Tracking It All Counselors meeting with students individually to discuss options and progress along a pathway Students opting out of ISTEP because they know they can graduate on a pathway; never required to take GQE again
Important Takeaways
For Consideration... Graduation Pathways is required beginning with the class of 2023 Graduation Pathways offers more opportunities for our students to show post-secondary competency beyond just taking a single test in 10th grade Graduation Pathways not only expands the opportunities for more students to successfully graduate, but it also allows students to tailor their college/career path to better fit their unique skills and interests