Budget Work Session Fiscal Year 2020 “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.” Helen Keller
GENERAL FUND Projected Beginning Balance $ 2,500,000 Projected Revenues $ 25,298,355 Projected Expenditures $(25,446,569) Projected Fund Balance $ 2,351,786
GENERAL FUND - REVENUE Staff has projected sales tax revenue to increase by 4%. The City is projected to experience the same stable sales & use tax growth. The General Fund has maintained a healthy reserve averaging 13% in the current fiscal year 2019. New housing starts plan to exceed previous fiscal years. The General Fund is the City’s primary operating fund and the source of day-to- day operations. The General Fund is significantly reliant on sales tax revenues for operations. It is used to account for all activities except those legally required to be accounted for in other funds.
GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES CHANGES FY 2019-20 Operational budget changes from FY19 to 20 include amendment to City Attorney contract, added additional School Resource Officer, and (3) new firefighters due to new SAFER grant. Step increases for all eligible employees including both the Police and Fire Departments. Fraternal Order of Police employees will receive a 1% COLA on July 1, 2019 and an additional 1% COLA on January 1, 2020. Health plan decreased by 15% which is a costs savings of $126k. Pension Funds (No Change) - Oklahoma Municipal Retirement Fund (11.79%), Police (13%), and Fire (14%). Financing the City’s operations.
GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund Reserve – Transfer of 5% hotel tax. Council determines use of funds. Projected ending balance of $120,810. Impound Fee – Funds restricted for police use. Projected ending balance of $46,725. Park Improvement – Restricted for improvements to & development of park system. Projected ending balance of $64,760. Alcohol Enforcement – Restricted for enforcing alcohol & substance abuse. Projected ending balance of $3,030. Library – Restricted for library operations, local programs & capital purposes. Projected ending balance of $21,320. Traffic Enforcement – Restricted for capital & training related to traffic enforcement. Projected ending balance of $101,310. Employee Flex Spending – Pre-tax income for health care claims. Projected ending balance of $7,000. Park & Recreation Donation – Restricted for park & recreation events & projects. Projected ending balance of $53,210. Police Technology Fees – Restricted for police technological advances & upgrades. Projected ending balance of $10,650. Street & Drainage Improvement – Restricted for street projects & repairs. Projected ending balance of $810,304. Personal Services (10% Public Safety) – Restricted for extended 4th penny sales tax (public safety personnel). Projected ending balance of $80,000. Police Narcotics Enforcement – Restricted for funding equipment & drug testing kits, education, training, & scientific development of police personnel & canine development. Projected ending balance of $18,030. Juvenile – Restricted funding for juvenile local programs; costs of prosecutions; detention; & administrative costs. Projected ending balance of $27,000. Debt Service – Restricted for retiring 2012 General Obligation bonds. Projected ending balance of $218,500.
LIMITED PURPOSE FUND - CAPITAL The Limited Purpose Fund is a capital project fund used to purchase capital outlay, including the acquisition or construction of capital facilities, or other capital assets. The restricted 3rd penny sales tax collected in excess of debt payments are restricted for sanitary sewer facility, water systems, and capital projects (Ordinance No. 532). Resolution 15-058 amended 05-027 to read ‘10% of sales tax revenue received in excess of $800,000 per month’. Projected Beginning Balance $ 1,300,000 Projected Revenues $ 1,688,050 Projected Expenditures $(1,410,088) Projected Fund Balance $ 1,577,962
LIMITED PURPOSE FUND – CAPITAL OUTLAY SPENDING City Council- Audio/Video upgrade ($22,531); City Management – desktop computer ($1,800), Activation of Online Application Tracking & Onboarding System for Human Resources ($2,000); Library – (15) Dell OptiPlex computers ($5,470), bill/coin acceptor ($3,065), (2) laptop computers ($1,040); Parks and Recreation – 15 seat passenger van for seniors ($29,700), upgrades to rock wall new floor and repaint ($7,500), cardio and weight room equipment ($7,000), security alarm system ($9,500), curtain dividers between gym & pads behind basketball goals ($4,500), upgrade to Wild Horse Park restrooms ($20,000), lighting of football ($150,000); Town Center – new lighting in entrance and Senior Center area ($5,600), new HVAC units ($40,000), painting of banquet hall ($9,990), painting of arch and sign on ($2,400); Ball Complex – (2) shade structure for Sports Complex ($20,000), utility cart ($12,000), security light repair for Softball Complex ($10,000);
LIMITED PURPOSE FUND – CAPITAL OUTLAY SPENDING (Cont’d) Aquatic Center – Restroom improvements ($5,000), Aquatic Field Study ($12,750), painting of water play structures ($2,500), replace buckets of play feature ($2,400), floatable item in beachfront ($12,000); Community Development – Incode Community Development Software ($66,875), (2) Desktop computers for inspectors ($2,718); Police – replace AC rooftop unit ($44,000), camera replacement project ($40,000), records file storage ($25,000), Windows 7 to 10 conversion ($11,450), 2018 lease-purchase payment ($77,290), 2019 lease-purchase payment ($38,010); Animal Welfare – (2) upgrade Windows 7 computers ($700), tranquilizer gun, charger, and projectiles ($1,350); Fire – (13) replacement of SCBA’s pack ($77,389), (30) replacement of cylinders ($36,330), (24) replacement of masks ($6,864), (2) replacement of RIT bags ($6,166), 2019 lease-purchase interest payment ($64,700);
LIMITED PURPOSE FUND – CAPITAL OUTLAY SPENDING (Cont’d) Streets – concrete panel replacement ($30,000, as needed), additional sidewalks ($20,000), asphalt overlays ($120,000, as needed); Water – water meters ($20,000), replace flooring at the Public Works Offices ($22,500); Sewer – Lift Station 4 upgrades ($300,000) TOTAL CAPITAL REQUEST: $1,410,088
ENTERPRISE FUNDS 2014B, Series Notes, 2016 Series Notes, 2017 Series Notes & Sewer Infrastructure Funds – Restricted for principal, interest & administration payments. 90% Capital Excess – Restricted 4th penny sales tax projects (public safety, infrastructure, streets & quality of life) after 2016 & 2017 note payments are made. Risk Management – Restricted for self-insurance worker’s compensation claims. Projected ending balance of $435,500. MIA Reserves – Restricted for water & wastewater facility, line maintenance & construction. Projected ending balance of $612,750.
MUSTANG IMPROVEMENT AUTHORITY The Mustang Improvement Authority (MIA) was created June 4, 1963 to finance, develop and operate the water, sewer and solid waste activities. These activities are financed primarily by user charges and similar to the private sector. This fund accounts for activities of the public trust in providing water, wastewater, sanitation, and recycling to the public. Projected Beginning Balance $ 3,000,000 2014B Restricted Carryover $ 3,080,740 2016 Restricted Carryover $ 4,963,651 2017 Restricted Carryover $ 9,804,867 Projected Revenues $ 21,896,459 Projected Expenditures $(21,896,459) 2014B Construction Loan Projects $( 3,080,740) 2016 Construction Loan Projects $( 4,963,651) 2017 Construction Loan Projects $( 9,804,867) Projected Ending Fund Balance $ 3,000,000