education STRATEGIC PLAN Department of Education REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA STRATEGIC PLAN 2005 – 2009 And Operational Plans 2005/6
State of the Nation and PoA The Planning System CONSTITUTION State of the Nation and PoA Minister’s vision Premiers Speeches Departmental Plan MECs Budget Speeches Provincial plans
Freedom Charter “The doors of learning and culture shall be opened” After 50 years, “The doors of learning and culture shall be opened”
Programme of Action Principles: Integrated delivery through clusters Government wide systems for Monitoring and Evaluation ICTs
Economic Cluster To support the implementation of e-education Improved funding for FET Colleges Courses aligned with the needs of the economy Increased output of universities (including universities of technology) in priority sectors
IRPS and JCPS Clusters International Relations, Peace and Security Provide capacity and support for the implementation of NEPAD programmes Justice, Corrections, Police and Safety New Drugs Master Plan to be finalised Rapidly reduce the number of children in police and prison custody, with emphasis on KZN, WC and Gauteng
Social Cluster Programmes to address exclusion based on race and gender Rehabilitation of communities in line with TRC recommendations Review the impact of socio-economic transformation on social cohesion National School Nutrition Programme, including social mobilisation for food gardens.
Social Cluster 2 Integrated ECD Programmes as part of Expanded Public Works Programme Recapitalisation of FET Colleges, ensuring that they have the necessary infrastructure, capacity and programmes relevant to the needs of our economy Allocation of resources to improved teaching and learning, especially in maths and science Ensure a unified institutional culture in universities
Social Cluster 3 Update the school register of needs, and iron out the creases between the spheres of government to meet the objective of safe classrooms and healthy environments Ensure that there is no learner learning under a tree, in a mud school, or under dangerous conditions.
Minister’s vision To impact on poverty, unemployment and social cohesion, by providing a quality education for all.
Strategies Policy clarity and stability Consolidation of gains by targeting support Focus on improving learning outcomes Monitor, evaluate and correct as necessary Strengthened responsiveness Innovation, including ICTs Partnerships
General Education Consolidating quality following the introduction of the RNCS into Grades 0-6 Revising the Language Policy Revitalising Art, Music and Sport at school Investing in quality teaching: National Framework for Teacher Education Managing and rewarding performance
General Education 2 Expanded ABET and Literacy programmes Improved institutional governnace and district support Ongoing implementation of inclusive education strategies Development of an assessment protocol
Further Education and Training Increase in headcount Relevant and responsive programme mix Improved success rate (70%) Qualified and competent College staff Well managed and governed modern institutions, with efficient systems Partnerships with business and SETAs
Further Education and Training 2 National Resourcing Plan for the FET Sector Finalisation and implementation of programme based funding for Colleges Development of quality assurance systems for FET College programmes
System Planning Ensuring access to schooling, especially for the poor Infrastructure audit, and national interventions in planning, design and construction of schools Re-design of Information System (EMIS) Establish Monitoring and Evaluation unit
System Planning 2 Analysis of education investment and expenditure to ensure equity and redress in resourcing Ensuring constructive labour relations in education Managing teacher supply and demand Managing bilateral and multi-lateral co-operation agreements, and conditional grants
System Planning 3 Reporting on Education for All (EFA) and Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Finalising the revised NQF Planning support for integrated programmes Growth and Development Summit ISRDP URP EPWP …
Quality Promotion and Development Continuous improvement in learning outcomes, while bridging the quality divide Levers to be used: Regular assessment of achievement in critical learning areas at key levels of the system Support to Whole School Evaluation policy Focus on health programmes at school, including NSNP
Quality Promotion and Development 2 Policy guidelines for the promotion and governance of school sport, art and culture Increased participation in rural and urban nodes Support for the Ministerial Committee on Gender Equity
Higher Education To support the production of quality graduates needed for the social and economic development of the country Enrolment Planning Greater articulation between FET and HE
Higher Education 2 To achieve equity in higher education Analysis of enrolment in terms of race and gender Assessing the nature and impact of institutional culture on achievement of equity To provide support to institutions for governance and management To promote and sustain research
Higher Education 3 To promote and support a leadership role for South Africa in Africa and the world A national conference on African studies Curriculum development linked to identity and values
Corporate Services Provincial support and co-ordination Eastern Cape initiative Call Centre Monitoring procurement and supply of LTSMs Operationalising foreign policy priorities, and strengthening international relations, especially within SADC, Africa and the South (IBSA)
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