June 25, 2018 CDSME and Falls Coordinator Call Welcome Please call in to 866-740-1260 Conference Code 3932238#
Agenda Welcome and Introductions Update on CDSME/Falls Workshops / SUYN Grant Proposal Update PEARLS Update / Enhance Wellness Marketing and Other LWCE Updates Success Stories? Challenges? Questions?
CDSME Workshops Sept 1 2015 – June, 2018 4869 participants/3716 completers. Retention rate 76% (National 66.6%) 260 Leaders / Master Trainers across the state. 569 workshops completed on grant Met our ACL goal of 3000 completers and working off of no-cost extension. LWCE is applying for the new ACL sustainability grant.
Stepping On Program Updates Sept 1 2016 – June 2018 1193 participants / 800 completers (67% retention) 135 Leaders / Trainers covering 13 counties 26 SO packets out Workshops must maintain fidelity and may not be altered in any way without permission from program developers. Applying for 1 year no cost extension for Falls Grant
Stepping Up Your Nutrition SUYN 42 leaders trained Nov/Dec 2017 21 leaders trained June 2018 7 counties implementing 138 participants have taken the Session 0 workshop All counties with trained leaders MUST have signed contracts to implement programs.
Update on new ACL Grant The LWCE is applying for the ACL Grant for Sustainability of programs Our goal is to expand access to CDSME and PEARLS Expand sustainability through Health Systems, Providers, and Payers and create reimbursable models Screen older adults for social needs and link them to self-management programs and other community based services within the AAA.
Program to Encourage Active and Rewarding LiveS Description: Evidence-based one-on-one treatment program for adults with depression. Offered in the community, this program incorporates methods of problem solving treatment, social and physical interaction, and increased pleasant activities to reduce depression. On going clinical oversight is an essential component of PEARLS as well as entering information into PEARLS data base – WellWare. Outcomes: Over 50% of clients had a significant reduction in level of depression, which was maintained for over 12 months; 44% achieved remission of depression symptoms, maintained for at least 6 months (Chiechanowski, JAMA, April 7, 2004 – Vol 291, No. 13 1569) Currently 10 leaders have been trained. 49 participants have completed the program
Enhanced Wellness Not all PEARLS candidates are eligible for program (do not pass brief memorycognitive impairment screening Opportunity to bundle/cross-referral into Enhanced Wellness EnhanceWellness (formerly the Health Enhancement Program) is an individualized, motivational self-care intervention that encourages older adults to take on health challenges and maintain control of their lives. A team of two professionals, typically a nurse and social worker, work with the individual to develop a plan and help them achieve their goals. https://www.ncoa.org/wp-content/uploads/EnhanceWellness-6.29.17-1.pdf
LWCE Updates
LWCE Updates Presenting at n4a, World Congress, HHS Healthy Aging Summit August 2018 Stepping On Training September 2018 Pearls Training Partnership with AARP to develop social isolation risk assessment
Academy September 6, 2018 Harbor Hospital, Baltimore MD
Updates, Opportunities, Lessons Learned, Challenges, and Technical Assistance Needed ?