Project Manager / Utility Liaison UTILITIES Contact Information: Theresa Mendoza Project Manager / Utility Liaison 317-327-2302
Objectives Local Projects vs. Federal Projects (INDOT) City website ( Utility Coordination Process for Local Capital Improvement Projects Lack of utility response or Unmarked utilities? Additional permitting Local Projects vs INDOT Federally Funded Projects Website locations for Design Memos, Cadd Standards, Utility Coordination Forms, Etc
Local vs Federal Funded Projects Local Projects follow the DPW Utility Coordination Process Local process utilizes DPW Form Letters Local process can be expedited and stages can be abbreviated or combined (if approved by DPW Project Manager, DPW Construction Administrator, DPW Utility Liaison and Chief Engineer) Federally Funded Projects will use INDOT’s Process Federally funded projects utilize INDOT Form Letters Less likely to be combine or abbreviate process due to funding Local Projects vs INDOT Federally Funded Projects Local uses city forms, Federally funded uses INDOT forms INDOT is less likely to combine or abbreviate the process due to funding, where DPW can expedite the process if locally funded.
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Department of Public Works' engineering and construction staff, as well as design consultants will benefit from the design memos. Check back regularly for updates and additions. Technical Specs and Details are also located on this page.
Utility Coordination Stages Initial Notice = 30 day Verification of Facilities = 30 days Preliminary Final Plan and Utility Work Plan Request = 45 days Approved Work Plan and Notice to Proceed (NTP) Pre-Bid Meeting Pre-Construction Meeting Remember at each stage copy the Utility Coordination email. If you run into issues with non-response from utilities, please contact me for assistance.
Initial Notice Sent by the DPW Project Manager via email (or USPS) to Utilities and DPW Stakeholders Response time = 30 days Letter introduces the project scope and limits to the utility companies Letter introduces the Designer to the utilities (and Stakeholders). Designer takes over Utility Coordination Process after this stage All letter must copy the DPW PM and the Utility Coordination email (
Process Begins with Utility Liaison initiating Design Tool Inquiry. IUPPS stands for Indiana Underground Plant Protection Services Indiana 811 is a non-profit organization that was created as a means of reducing damage to those facilities and to promote public safety. In 2017, Indiana 811 created the Design Tool. This is different than a Design Ticket, where utilities are notified to mark the field. The Design Tool only identifies utilities within the project boundaries, but no utilities are notified. As you can see some of the information is incorrect and or missing. When I pull a ticket, I correct and/or add the contact information. Please note that it is the Utility’s responsibility to update their information with 811. I try to keep on top, when companies are purchased by another company, emails change or there is a change in personnel.
Corrections made by Utility Liaison Also note that only utilities with underground facilities are required to subscribe, but not all do, so a field check is also encouraged. Some time there is lag time between project construction and getting as-builts to 811, so field check is always a good idea. Try not to rely on Google Maps as some maps are old and what is actually in the field may differ. The DPW Project Manager will send out the Initial Notice to the utilities and the stakeholders list and copy the Utility Coordination email for verification. The letter will introduce the project and the Designer. At this point the Designer takes over the utility coordination process, but always copies the DPW PM and Utility Coordination email for verification.
Utilities not marked Design Tickets for Survey are not always marked. There are several reasons why there are no markings. Companies send files instead of marking site, they may have missing/inaccurate records, the marks faded, etc… If marks are faded, request a remark though 811 or call DPW Dispatch at 317-327-1620. An additional notice of two full working days is required for the remark, so plan accordingly . Design Tickets vs the Design Tool as discussed earlier, are usually done for survey. Companies don’t always send out a person to physically locate. We (DPW) like to send as-builts rather than tie up resources sending out a locator. Please bare with the City as we are re-organizing our as-builts. If there is paint on the ground from a utility and they are faded, then you can request remarks through 811.
Verification Of Facilities Designer reviews the accuracy of plans to location of existing facilities Hold Preliminary Utility Coordination Meeting Designer Confirms accuracy of plans provided, discusses schedule, determines ROW clearing and surveying activities, talks over relocation plans, Utility Relocation Agreements This is time to request design changes Utilities have 30 days to respond Remember at each stage copy the Utility Coordination email. If you run into issues with non-response from utilities, please contact me for assistance.
Preliminary Final Plan and Work Plan Determine if coordination of relocation activities are needed between utilities and begin scheduling construction activities Obtain contact information for Contractors for each affected utility Work Plans are required for ALL projects, even if no conflicts exist Utilities have 45 day timeframe to review Remember at each stage copy the Utility Coordination email. If you run into issues with non-response from utilities, please contact me for assistance.
Approved Work Plan and Notice to Proceed This letter outlines the utility’s responsibilities working within the City of Indianapolis and its Right-of-Way Please send a copy of the approved work plan back to each utility company. Notice to Proceed is typically given at the Pre-Bid Meeting, but is also emailed to each utility Remember at each stage copy the Utility Coordination email. If you run into issues with non-response from utilities, please contact me for assistance.
Coordination Process Cont… Pre-Bid Meeting Before project is awarded. Designer will answer any questions the from the Contractor Pre-Construction Meeting After the project has bid, but before construction begins. This meeting shall be used to introduce the Contractor’s project team to the utilities and to get an updates on the current status of remaining relocates.
Flood Permits Outlined in December 13, 2017 DPW Design Memorandum 2017.11 DPW Projects already are required to obtain INDR and USACE permits for construction in floodways and wetlands, so an additional review through BNS would be redundant. However, BNS will provide an abbreviated process for DPW project to satisfy FEMA requirements for those projects boundaries within a floodway or within the 100-year floodplain. Submit the Floodplain Permit Application along with final plans to BNS at and copy the DPW Project Manager and the Utility Coordination email. The permit will be issued via automated email from BNS.
Right-Of-Way Permits ROW permits should be obtained by the contractor/excavator, but sometimes obtained by engineer for coring. Issued through the department of business and neighborhood services (BNS). Please make sure a copy of the permit is on site at all times. READ the permit – to ensure that the description matches the work being performed UPDATE the emergency name and number if contractor/excavator has changed REVISE the permit if description or dates are incorrect If you need help expediting permits, please contact me.