Recording & Data Collection Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Recording & Data Collection September 3, 2019
Influenza/pneumococcal vaccine recording Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Influenza/pneumococcal vaccine recording Information required to be recorded on all clients includes: Client demographic information - full name, personal health number, date of birth, gender, address including postal code Reason code for immunization Dose number Vaccine name & lot number Dosage administered Site of injection Route of administration Date of immunization Immunizer’s first initial and last name, designation & signature
Influenza/pneumococcal vaccine recording (cont’d) Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Influenza/pneumococcal vaccine recording (cont’d) Direct data entry will be done into the Meditech system by all zone Public Health - downtime procedures should be followed when sites have problems with connectivity The Care After Immunization/Client Immunization Record document is available for public health and community providers to provide to clients after immunization Community providers may utilize the Influenza Immunization Record for recording purposes. This PDF fillable form is available or a record of their own choosing can be used. Community providers reporting Pneumococcal vaccine administration should follow their set zone process.
Influenza Immunization Record Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Influenza Immunization Record
Choosing the reason for immunization code from the Priority List Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Choosing the reason for immunization code from the Priority List When completing documentation, include the immunization reason code. Start at the top of the priority list, and choose the first code that applies (e.g. If the client is pregnant, and is 9-64 years of age, choose code #46 “pregnant” because it is higher on the list).
Influenza Vaccine Priority List Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Influenza Vaccine Priority List When determining which code to pick, start at the top of the list and choose the first code that applies:
Care After Immunization and Immunization Record Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Care After Immunization and Immunization Record
Communicable Disease Control – Population, Public and Indigenous Health Data collection All immunization providers are required to account for vaccine doses administered, vaccine doses wasted and vaccine doses on hand. The rationale for requiring data collection is as follows: To determine influenza immunization rates To be accountable for doses administered and meet requirements of government auditing processes To monitor vaccine safety For planning and operational decisions for subsequent seasonal programs Refer to local protocols for data collection instructions.