FIRE! Year 2 Autumn Term Science Mathematics Computing PE English Traditional Tales Explanations – flowchart with explanation sentences. Recount – historical (linked to The Fire of London) Poetry – List poems and Calligrams Science Materials – suitability and shaping Animals including humans (basic needs) Working scientifically – Identifying and classifying, observing, predicting and planning. Mathematics Exploring, understanding and applying the number system. Securing numerical fluency - Numbers with up to and beyond 3 digits (read and write numbers up to at least 100 in numerals and words) Properties of shape. Understanding fractions, measures and statistics. Calculation – using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Computing Getting creative Digital tools to draft and present word based texts. Staying safe online FIRE! Year 2 Autumn Term PE Gymnastics - balances Games – travelling with a ball dribbling, kicking. Dance The Arts Artist – Andy Goldsworthy (natural sculptures) Collage/Silhouette painting Pop up cards. Using voices expressively – call and response songs. Rhythm and time values. PHSE and SMSC School rules and friendships Jigsaw Scheme of work Being me in my world- Rights and responsibilities , Rewards and consequences. Celebrating difference. British Values History / Geography The Great Fire of London (now and then) comparisons between fire service Samuel Pepys Diary London as our capital city Aerial photos and map work Naming oceans, continents and U.K countries on maps and globes. RE Expressing religious meaning Muslim prayer and action Festivals including Christmas.