advanced research skills RACHEL CHÁVEZ MARCH 2019 advanced research skills
ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS RACHEL CHÁVEZ MARCH 2019 CURRENCY When was the information published? RELEVANCE Is it related to your topic and at an appropriate level? AUTHORITY Who wrote the information, what is their background? ACCURACY Where has their information come from? PURPOSE Why was the information written? The CRAAP test ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS RACHEL CHÁVEZ MARCH 2019
ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS RACHEL CHÁVEZ MARCH 2019 Shakespeare AND symbolism AND Hamlet “social media” “Theresa May” AND “general election” AND 2017 Child* adult AND obesity AND England OR “Great Britain” OR “United Kingdom” OR UK representation AND women AND television NOT film AND “ “ * OR NOT How to use keywords ADVANCED RESEARCH SKILLS RACHEL CHÁVEZ MARCH 2019