Cushions – product analysis When we design we often look or analyse products to see how it is possible : to make a better product to get a general idea of shape or form to find out what fabrics or decorative techniques have been used etc? Analysing existing products is a very important skill for any designer. On the next few pages we are going to look at how to analyse a cushion for its main design features.
Cushions – product analysis Which cushion do you like the most and why? Which cushion do you dislike and why? Which cushion do you like the most? See below two different answers, decide which tells you most about the persons opinion of the cushion they like. Answer 1 - Which cushion did you like the most? I liked the flowered cushion on the right because of the complementary colours of the strips. The text on the flower is very eye-catching and different to other cushions on the market. Answer 2 - Which cushion did you like the most? I like the flowered cushion on the right because of the colours and I like the shape of the flower.
Cushions – product analysis Look at the cushion below and consider which designs and decorative techniques have been used.
Cushions: product analysis Look at the following cushions and the other examples that you have been given and try to answer these questions.
Cushions – product analysis Task What decorative techniques have they used to make these cushions? Which cushion do you like the most and why? Which cushion do you dislike and why? Would you buy any of these cushions?