A Statewide Professional Development Program for In-Service Teachers of Students with Autism: Project ACCESS Autism Credential September 24, 2019 MO-CASE Fall Conference Angie Dieckmann, Centralia Cathy Roberts, Lakeland Elizabeth Washington, Waynesville Edna Herron Smith, Project ACCESS
What is PAAC PAAC (Project ACCESS Autism Credential) is an intensive two year training program which is offered to in-service special education teachers to build their skills in implementing Evidence Based Practices for Autism in their classrooms. It is open only to teachers who hold a Missouri Teaching Certificate in Special Education and who are employed as classroom special education teachers in Missouri Schools. Successful completion of the 2 year training program leads to Project ACCESS Autism Credential. Name will be listed on the DESE website as being so credentialed. Didactic instruction is coupled with intense classroom coaching. It is NOT a teaching certificate, per se.
Why Do This Kind of Training?
Who May Participate in the Training? Practicing classroom teacher who holds a current valid Missouri Special Education Teaching Certificate. Must currently be serving at least 2 students with autism in their classroom. Selected and supported by local district special education administrator and building principal. Teacher must be willing and able to complete rigorous graduate level academic work. Teacher must be willing and able to respond positively to coaching.
Why Do It? For the District Build Local Capacity Grow your own autism and FBA specialist. Save money in the long run. Grow your own autism and FBA Specialist Serve kids better with Evidence Based Practices 4 1 day conferences (FREE) for the teacher and one administrator for every teacher registered.
Why Do It? For the Teacher Be a better teacher Learn to deal with those challenging behaviors Opportunity to develop an on-line learning community with people you get to know. Face to face cohort meetings close to your home. 4 one-day conference with national speakers (FREE) Get (cheap) graduate credit to move over on the salary schedule (optional) Get listed on the DESE website as holding the Project ACCESS Autism Credential Receive the Autism Certificate from the MSU graduate school the four sequential courses (over the two years of this training) into a stand- alone “autism certificate” offered by Missouri State University. This will be noted on your transcript and will be in addition to the autism credential that will be noted on the DESE website. One of the best things about taking credit for these courses (which have only one small paper to complete in addition to the regular requirements of the Project ACCESS training) is the price. It will be less than $140 per credit hour. Using these courses to fulfill the electives requirements or to get hours toward moving up on your district’s salary scale will cost you less than $420 per semester.
How Will it Work? Year 1 (2020-21) Semester 1 Structure Summer Kick-off Conference Monthly regional cohort meetings On-line AFIRM modules and cohort meetings Content Survey of Evidence Based Practices for Autism
How Will It Work? Year 1 Semester 2 Content Structure Monthly Regional Cohort Meetings On-line Modules Classroom coaching Spring Conference (0ptional) Content Principles & Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis, Functional Behavior Assessment, & Behavior Intervention Plans
How Will It Work? Year 2 Semesters 1 & 2 Structure Content Monthly Regional Cohort Meetings Some face to face and some online Intensive Classroom Coaching Fall and Spring Conferences (optional) Content From IEP to Evidence Based Practice (EBP) Applications of EBP in the Classroom
What Does It Cost? The cost to the District is $250 per teacher per semester. If a District registers 8-10 teachers and the District agrees to allow them to meet with their facilitator once monthly during the school day that district may send two of those teachers FREE. If the entire $500 per teacher paid in advance for the first year you get the first semester of the first year FREE. There is no cost to the individual teacher unless they choose to take academic credit…which will be less than $450 per 3 hour course (1/2 price) The teacher will spend considerable personal time to complete the activities. Staff coverage for teacher to attend cohort meetings and meet with coach.
What are District Obligations? The District must agree to: Pay the PAAC enrollment fee for each teacher. Allow the facilitator/coach to observe in the classroom and consult with the classroom teacher Support the teacher by allowing the teacher released time as necessary to meet with the classroom coach and to leave early once monthly to get to an after school cohort meeting on time, if necessary.
What are Teacher Obligations? Complete the Project ACCESS on-line course “Introduction to the Education of Students with Autism” with 80% prior to July 15, 2020. Attend the two day Summer Kickoff Conference in July, 2020 to be held in Jefferson City. (No excuses) Complete the Project ACCESS “Autism Classroom Organization and Management” module on-line by July 15, 2020. Complete all the assigned AFIRM modules with 80% prior to each cohort meeting. Complete all assign reading prior to each cohort meeting. Complete all assigned projects with 80% and submit artifacts to Blackboard prior to the assigned due dates.
When Will it Start and End? Summer Kickoff Conference mid July 2020. Semester 1 Early September 2020 Semester 2 Early January 2021 Semester 3 Early September 2021 Semester 4 Early January 2022 Whole project ends at the end of the Spring Semester 2021
What Do Teachers Think About PAAC? Angie Dieckmann-Centralia R-6 School District Cathy Roberts-Lakeland R-3 School District
What are Administrators Saying? Dr. Elizabeth Washington- Director of Special Services, Waynesville R-VI School District Dr. Sarah Marriott- Superintendent of Schools and Director of Special Education –Boonville R-1 School District.
When and How Can We Start? Contact Project by phone or email to express interest. Registration will begin in March Enrollment ends May 30 (may be a little flexible here) Includes Teacher Letter of Intent Includes District Letter of Agreement