Booster Club Training
Where can I find this presentation? From the Business Services department webpage:
Mission Statement Goose Creek CISD, develop and enhance each learner’s intellectual, social, and well-being facilitated by a highly qualified team committed to Growth, Community, Collaboration, Innovation, Success and Determination.
Booster Club Formation Goose Creek CISD booster clubs must be a 501(c)3 A non-profit organization is created by filing articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State Form 202- Articles of incorporation Pursuant to Article 3.02 Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
Organization Each booster organization must develop and maintain bylaws Rules of membership Establish fiscal year Organizational Structure Method for electing officers Only members in good standing will be permitted to hold office or vote District employees shall not serve in financial capacity
Suggested Audit Program Bank Reconciliations Bank Statements Receipts Disbursements Fundraisers Miscellaneous
Reporting Requirements to District List of officer information: July 1st Booster Club Guidelines Receipt: July 1st Copy of bylaws: September 30th End of year financial statements: June 30th GASB #39 Annual Survey of Financial Support: June 30th Audit committee report: July 31st
Role of Booster Clubs in GCCISD
Role of Booster Clubs in GCCISD Superintendent of Schools Solely responsible for the entire educational program including curricular and extracurricular activities All activities, events, and personnel are under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent It is important that booster clubs recognize this authority and work within the framework prescribed by the school administration Principal Directly responsible for all money raising activities carried on in his/her school or sponsored in any manner by or on behalf of his/her school. All committees shall work in full cooperation with the principal and under his/her supervision in planning or conducting special programs and activities, which involves the raising of money Prior to the start of any fundraising activities, booster organizations shall submit a fundraising application for each anticipated event, and receive approval from the campus principal Obtain copies of bylaws, annual financial report, and audit committee report for each authorized booster club
Role of Booster Clubs in GCCISD District employee Individuals who actively coach or direct a UIL activity shall serve in an advisory capacity to the booster club and shall not have control or signature authority over booster club funds School district staff shall not accept or solicit any gift, favor, service, or other benefit Direct payment to district employees is prohibited District employees shall not serve in financial capacity The campus administrator or designee must be present at all booster meetings
Prohibited District Services Armored Car Service District Employer Identification Number Safekeeping - booster clubs may not store funds on campus for safe keeping
Fundraising Prior to the start of the school year, booster organizations shall submit a fundraising application for each anticipated event, and receive approval from the campus principal Application includes: Vendor information (if any) Product or service Estimated proceeds
Fundraising Individual Accounts Booster clubs shall not maintain individual accounts Booster clubs cannot require a member to participate in a fundraising activity Nor can members be required to raise or sell a certain amount These practices jeopardize the organizations tax-exempt status with the IRS
Fundraising Raffles Bingo Booster clubs are permitted to hold raffles Raffles are subject to the guidelines presented in the booster club manual Bingo A booster organization should consider all applicable regulations for bingo Detailed rules may be obtained from the Texas Lottery Commission
Donations School district staff shall not accept or solicit any gift, favor, service, or other benefit Gifts to students Donations to the district will become sole property of the district Donations will be earmarked for a specific purpose Tax deductible donations
Scholarship Programs The district requires the implementation of any scholarship programs to be consistent with all other district scholarship programs. Some key points are: Committee members cannot have a conflict of interest Decision making criteria must be made available upon request All qualifying seniors must have a chance Additional information can be found in the booster club guidelines
Reminders Failure to follow policies and procedures of the District may result in refusal by the campus principal to allow related activities on campus All meetings shall be public and announced in advance in accordance with bylaws The campus administrator or designee must be present at all booster meetings There will be no student activities in the name of the school organization or booster organization unless prior permission has been received from the sponsor and the principal or the sponsor is present No cash will be given to any school employee to use at his or her discretion
Booster Club Forms
Booster Club Forms Confirmation of Financial Information Financial Statements Fundraiser Request Form Booster Club Guidelines Receipt Annual Survey of Financial Support
Confirmation of Financial Information
Financial Statements
Fundraiser Request Form
Booster Club Guidelines Receipt
Annual Survey of Financial Support
Business Services Contacts Margie Grimes, Chief Financial Officer (281) 707-3458 LeAna Dixon, District Treasurer/Controller (281) 707-3362 Pauline Cedeno, Senior Accountant Special Revenue (281) 707-3305 Larina Dobson, Campus Compliance Accountant (281) 707-3365
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