NOTES: 2-3 Carbon Compounds


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Presentation transcript:

NOTES: 2-3 Carbon Compounds Today: The Chemistry of Carbon Macromolecules Carbohydrates

The Chemistry of Carbon Why is Carbon so Special? Carbon has 4 Valence Electrons Can make four bonds Can bond with many elements like H,O,P,S,N Can form HUGE chains or even rings Carbon to Carbon bonds can be single, double, or triple

Macromolecules Macro: “giant molecules” Macromolecules are made from thousands or hundreds of thousands of smaller molecules called monomers Polymerization: The process of joining many monomers together to form a large complex polymer

Polymerization Monomers: smaller units Dimer: Made up of 2 monomers Monomers can be alike or different Dimer: Made up of 2 monomers Polymers: made up of many monomers Poly means MANY!!!! Polymerization

Carbohydrates Compounds made up of C, H and O atoms Usually in a ratio of 1:2:1 ex: C6H12O6

Function of Carbohydrates MAIN function of Carbohydrates Used by living things as a main source of energy Breakdown of carbohydrates supplies immediate energy for the cell

Other Functions of Carbohydrates Short term energy storage Animals produce a complex carbohydrate called glycogen in the liver to store energy Plants produce starch Structural Purposes Cell wall of plants are made out of a complex carbohydrate called cellulose

Other Functions of Carbohydrates Cell Identification Carbohydrates on the surface of cells help your body to figure out what is part of you, and who is an intruder!

How to Build a Carbohydrate “Saccharide” means sugar monosaccharide: Monomer of a Carbohydrate Examples: Glucose, Galactose, Fructose Disaccharides: Sugars composed of 2 monosaccharides Example: Sucrose (Table sugar) = Glucose and Fructose Polysaccharides: Complex Carbohydrates=polymers Examples: Cellulose—the structural material in plants Glycogen (Animal starch)—stores extra sugar in animals Plant starch—store extra sugar in plants Chitin—the exoskeleton of some animals

Glucose (monosaccharide) Sucrose (Disaccharide) Starch (Polysaccharide)

How can you recognize a sugar by looking at its name? Galactose, sucrose, lactose, fructose, cellulose -ose

Carbohydrates summary Monomer: Monosacharides Major Function: Immediate Energy Other Functions Short term energy storage (glycogen and starch) Structural purposes (plants and shell fish) Cell Identification