BREAKFAST K-10 TDA’s September 2019 Menu Calendar Labor Day French Toast Sticks Cheese Omelet with Mini Cornbread Banana Muffin Chicken Sausage & Cheddar Bagel BREAKFAST K-10 MENU SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Whole Grain Cheerios Biscuit and Gravy Strawberry Pancake Bowl Blueberry Burst Muffin French Toast, Turkey Sausage & Egg No School Buttermilk Pancakes Chicken Sausage & Cheese Bagel Cinnamon Toast Bagel Cheese Omelet with Mini Cornbread Note: Beta Academy has a one-charge policy. This policy allows a scholar to charge one meal to their account. After which the parent will be notified of non-payment. Breakfast: Choice of 1% or fat-free milk; fresh fruit available daily except when fruit juice is offered twice per week. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Zee Zees Cinnamon Bar Peach Pancake Bowl Sausage & Cheese Biscuit French Toast Muffin Blueberry Burst Bagel Whole Grain Dipperdoodle Bar