BIT 142:Programming & Data Structures in C#
BIT 142: Intermediate Programming This Lesson (Almost) BRAND NEW LESSON: Navigating Existing, Large Programs Lesson is (almost) brand-new Been used just once before If something is confusing then please ask questions on the Canvas Discussion Forum ASAP!! Also – watch out next lesson for obsolete references to NUnit BIT 142: Intermediate Programming 2
BIT 142: Intermediate Programming Next Lecture Searching, Sorting Algorithms Algorithmic analysis: Big ‘Oh’ notation BIT 142: Intermediate Programming
BIT 142: Intermediate Programming Due today PCE 07 BIT 142: Intermediate Programming
BIT 142: Intermediate Programming Due next class PCE 08 BIT 142: Intermediate Programming
Homework: Final Due Date All homework assignments, AND REVISIONS to homework assignments, PCEs, Viewing Quizzes, etc must handed in by August 16th, at noon Anything not handed in by then will not be accepted Handing in the wrong thing will get you a zero Double check by downloading your upload from ST and checking!! This deadline is final! BIT 143