TCH 216 University High School Clinical Experience Orientation Dr. Allison Antink Meyer Fall 2019
Clinical Experience Overview Progressive 10-week Field Experience (See Schedule in Packet) observation assisting teaching Observations CT’s class 2 PD sessions; when not in PD go to CT. Observe non-CT classes Find ways to assist in your CT’s classroom Talk with your CT about assisting opportunities
Clinical Experience Overview Teaching Develop lesson plans for 3 consecutive days of teaching CT provides topic, dates, suggestions & feedback 216 instructor provides feedback and microteaching experience Classmates provide microteaching feedback
Clinical Assignments Summative clinical evaluation completed by your CT electronically around the last week of clinical Your CT will print or email you a copy 216 instructors receive the summative electronically, but KEEP your copy Pedagogy Portfolio includes 3 lesson plans and reflections. Assessed by 216 instructor. Do you have Livetext? Have you completed the ePortfolio workshop? 216 Pedagogy Portfolio assignment based on clinical requires Livetext
Tips for a Successful Experience Log each and every hour. Log sheets require your CT’s signature. This is your responsibility. Read the summative evaluation now (Uhigh TCH site) Take initiative and treat students with respect Talk to your CT about their expectations of you and your role in their classroom Be responsive to your cooperating teacher’s feedback and suggestions
Questions, Problems, Concerns? Speak directly to your CT Speak directly to your TCH instructor If you need additional assistance, contact me: Dr. Allison Antink Meyer, TCH 216 Point Person