Which is the most and least secular country? China France India Iran Norway UK USA
Secularisation for GCSE & A Level Lisa O’Connor King Edward VI College, Stourbridge
Which is the most and least secular country? China France India Iran Norway UK USA
GCSE Specs Secular as non-religious
Key ‘secular’ themes at GCSE Arguments against the existence of God including the problem of evil Arguments around life after death Social issues Abortion and euthanasia Marriage and family
Possible secular themes at KS4
Secularisation at A Level Both also include references to ‘secular views’ in the applied ethics and social changes sections
A Level - What is meant by secularisation and secularism? The belief that secularisation is good for society Secularisation The process of society moving away from religion. Separating religion and state functions, so that religious bodies have no privileged influence over the state (e.g. in matters of law, politics etc) A decline in individual/private religious belief and practice The secularisation hypothesis The claim that (UK) society has become less religious over time
Claim Notes Church of England bishops have a direct influence on UK Law in the House of Lords There are currently 26 Bishops who sit in the House of Lords. Both England and Scotland have official state churches The Church of England and Church of Scotland are known as ‘established churches’ One third of English schools are Christian Faith schools In 2015 there were about 15,000 primary and 3,000 secondary schools with a Christian character Most people who choose faith schools don’t do it for religious reasons Only 5% say it is for religious character, and 5% exposure to faith (77% say academic standards and 58% say location) BBC has a duty to broadcast religious programming This is part of its public service duty. It includes things like Songs of Praise and Thought for the Day Non-religious people are banned from appearing on some BBC Radio shows BBC4 Thought for the Day doesn’t allow non-religious voices, non-religious groups are campaigning against this In the last census (2011), more than half of people in England and Wales said they were Christian 59% in last census (but down from 72%) In the 2013 British Social attitudes survey, more than half of respondents said they had no religion 50.6% said they had no religion (though more than half of them may believe in God or some spirituality) Church attendance figures for the Church of England have dropped by more than half in the last 50 years From 1.6m every Sunday to 800,000 British social attitudes survey 2013 shows that for every convert made by the Church of England, they lose 12 members However, there is growth in other Christian churches, particularly Pentecostal and New Churches
Useful video clips
Is the UK a Christian country? 2 key questions Is there evidence that the UK is becoming less influenced by religion? And is this a good thing? Is there evidence that the UK is less religious? And is this a good thing? Influence of the Church on laws through the House of Lords Queen is Head of State and Head of Church Laws increasingly go against ‘traditional’ religious teachings Case law increasingly finds against the claims of religious groups in discrimination cases Rise of ‘New Atheism’ ‘Non-religious’ an increasing group Multi-faith society Growth of new churches and New Religious Movements
So, is the UK a Christian country? Is there evidence that the UK is becoming less influenced by religion? Is there evidence that the UK is less religious? In table groups you’ll hold a structured discussion, nominate a discussion leader Your information sheet has a range of arguments and evidence, you have 3 minutes to look over one part of it to get an idea of key arguments and evidence
Agree, and this is a good thing Agree, and this is a bad thing In terms of individual Christian practice In terms of Christian influence and privilege Agree, and this is a good thing Agree, and this is a bad thing Disagree, and this is a good thing Disagree, and this is a bad thing