Life as A Title I, Part C Coordinator August 20, 2019 Melanie Mayeux, Title I, Part C State Director
Purpose and Funding
Title I, Part C, Migrant Education Program (MEP) Funding Purpose is to provide funding to eligible entities to help migratory children to overcome educational disruption, cultural language barriers, social isolation and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to achieve high academic standards. Goal is to assist all migratory children in meeting challenging academic standards and achieving graduation from high school (or a HSE) with an education that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment. For 19-20, 16 LEAs are receiving MEP dollars. One, Tangipahoa, serves as the fiscal and program agent for a consortia of smaller districts. Allocations are based on the following factors outlined in ESEA 1304(b)(5): a. The numbers of migrant children; b. The needs of migrant children; c. The statutory priority to first serve children who are failing, or most at risk of failing to meet the State’s challenging State academic content standards and whose education has been interrupted during the regular school year; and d. the availability of funds from other Federal, State, and local programs.
Louisiana’s Funding Formula FOr 20-21, will add an additional factor for summer program
How counts are determines Run report from MERIL and enter counts into allocation formula spreadsheet
Funding “Cycle” Statute allows for SEA to reserve funds for the unique administrative requirements of the MEP. Currently, the LDOE reserves 25%. Initial district allocations total is based on 85% of previous year’s total. District receive 85% of estimated allocation. GANS are received from USDOE in June. Allocation report is run again to determine current numbers. Final allocations determined and loaded.
Important Points Funding is dependent upon effectiveness of ID&R. Data in MERIL must be accurate and up-to-date to ensure accurate calculation of allocations, including needs assessments. Districts receive funding for Out of School (OSY) youth only if: District recruiter actively recruits OSY, and District provides documented services to OSY who are recruited, and Pays for services and/or materials given 4. All districts receiving must sign migrant-specific assurances, ensuring the district will comply with all assurances.
Assurances Handout printed copy
Program Requirements
Statutory Requirements An LEA or Charter receiving MEP funds must operate in compliance with federal Education of Migratory Children Program authorized under Title I, Part C and must address the following critical components as enumerated in the federal law: 1.New student Identification and Recruitment (Title I, Part C, Sections 1304(c)(7) and 1309(2); 2.Report student data through the MERIL2 database and facilitate interstate and intrastate coordination to ensure continuity of services for mobile migrant children, including records transfer (Title I, Part C, Sections 1303(e) and 1304(c)7 and (e); 3.Parental involvement and Migrant Parent Advisory Council (PAC) (Title I, Part C, Sections 1304(c)(7) and 1306(a)(1)(b)(ii); and 4. Program administration (Title I, Part C, Sections 1303(e), 1304(c)(7) and (e). – Implementing components of current State Service Delivery Plan to meet the needs of eligible migrant students; –Completing application and budget; –Implementation, monitoring and supervision of local program; and –Program Evaluation Handout Monitoring Instrument