CONTENTS Introduction SSP Framework Vision Updated SSP Framework content and scope SSP Chapters 1-6
Introduction Following the publication of the National Skills Development Plan (NSDP), it became imperative that we revise the SSP framework to align it to the NSDP. Having reflected on the past 4 years of SSP Framework implementation, it became necessary that we strengthen the areas in which weaknesses were identified. The SSP Working Group convened on 05 April 2019 and on 09 April 2019 to brainstorm the proposed changes and areas of revision to the SSP Framework
SSP Framework Vision Sector Skills Plans that are informed by credible data, M&E data and empirical research. SSPs that are reflective of the skills nuances of the sector and capture the dynamic nature of skills in the sector whilst outlining clearly how the SETA intends to prioritize to achieve the NSDP outcomes and support government imperatives.
Proposed new SSP Content and structure Chapter Four: SETA Partnerships Chapter One: Sector Profile Chapter Two: Key Skills Change Drivers Chapter Three: Occupational Shortages and Skills Gaps Chapter Six: Strategic Skills Priority Actions Research Process and methods Chapter Five: SETA Monitoring and Evaluation
Research Process and methods In analyzing the data from empirical research, highlight the main findings of the study and present these in the relevant chapters of the SSP. In the analysis, be comparative (compare findings to relevant data sources) This section is not counted as part of the 65 pages and will not be longer than 5 pages in length
Proposed Chapter 1: Sector Profile
Proposed Chapter 2: Key Skills Change Drivers
Proposed Chapter 3: Occupational Shortages and Skills Gaps
Proposed Chapter 4: SETA Partnerships Partnerships are contextually defined as “A collaborative agreement between two or more parties intended to achieve specified outcomes directed towards addressing mutually inclusive skills priorities or objectives within a specified time frame.”
Proposed Chapter 5: SETA Monitoring and Evaluation
Proposed Chapter 6 : Strategic Skills Priority Actions
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