DTS Status Report Marc Weber
New structure in DTS Marc Weber
Excellent starting point All centres have received great reviews The new/old reviewers will remember this We have a lot to show Collaboration with MU and MML is excellent Marc Weber
Difficulties Need to look ahead until > 2027 Situation in colliderland is unclear Astroparticle physics experiments are very diverse This is not the time to discuss FAIR detector upgrades We need a few „obvious“ highlights Link to and overlap with DMA (3. Topic) We need at least some activities across centers Reviewers are managers not specialists Marc Weber
Review panel Helmholtz research field “Matter” Ursula Bassler (IN2P3), chair Meigan C. Aronson (Texas A&T University), chair of the FZL review Freddy Bordry (CERN) Hideto Enyo (RIKEN), chair of the GSI review Manfred Fiebig (ETH Zürich), chair of the HZDR review Andrew Harrison (Diamond Light Source), chair of the HZB review Sine Larson (University of Copenhagen) Hugh E. Montgomery (Jefferson Lab), chair of the DESY review Michael Peininger (RI Research Instruments GmbH) Christa Scheu (MPG), member of the HZG review Andrew Taylor (STFC), chair of the KIT review Marc Weber
Focus in PoF-IV (ST1 and ST2) Cryo-sensors Post-processing of silicon sensors High-Z sensors HVCMOS sensors LGAD sensors Gas-based detectors ASICs Silicon photonics DAQ platforms for Tb/s throughput Online processing and real-time visualization Advanced trigger systems/machine learning Highest integration levels and advanced interconnects and packaging Novel materials, support structures Engineering techniques New topics for PoF-IV Marc Weber
Focus in PoF-IV (ST3) New photon science detector systems Ultra-fast and intelligent beam diagnostics Track triggering KATRIN upgrades for full beta spectrum Dark Matter detection SiPM in operation … All demonstrator projects will have a finite lifetime and be regularly updated during PoF-IV Marc Weber
Distributed Detector Lab (DDL) Distributed infrastructure, competence center and hothouse of technology We will push for the installation of DDL in Helmholtz Partners from universities, Leibniz, MPG and PTB DDL will provide key technologies to MATTER and university partners HSS is crucial first stepping stone to DDL Marc Weber
Practical issues Need an editorial team of 4-8 people to produce a draft We should start writing soon (first attempts by mid February 2019) Many iterations will follow and be reviewed by workpackage leaders DDL effort will have to proceed in parallel and reinforce the strategic goals Marc Weber