Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups Nitsan Perach 22.1.2018
About myself PhD. Student at TAU under supervision of Prof. Shoshana Anily Senior SAP consultant The Stable Matching Model with an Entrance Criterion
Bibliography N. Perach , J. Polak and U. G. Rothblum, A stable matching model with an entrance criterion applied to the assignment of students to dormitories at the Technion, International Journal of Game Theory 36:519-535, 2007 N. Perach and U. G. Rothblum, Incentive compatibility for the stable matching model with an entrance criterion, International Journal of Game Theory 39: 657-667, 2010 Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Summary Case study of dormitory assignment at the Technion Variant of the (GS) stable matching model which includes an “entrance criterion” Modification of the (MV-W) Deferred Acceptance Algorithm and some of its properties Unresolved issues and current research topics Note: A new method for assigning students to dormitories at the Technion was implemented in the fall of 2004 Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The case study: dormitory assignment at the technion ~5000 applications each year ~3500 beds 8 dormitory-groups The groups are different: Location Setup Age Convenience Price Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Assignment Principles Student-eligibility for housing: Should depend on “personal characteristics.” (merit score) Assigning students found eligible to a dormitory-group: Should depend on “academic seniority.” (credit score) All beds should be occupied. Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Old process Preprocessing Applying: Personal data Specification of the preferred dorm-group “Merit-score” and “credit-score” determination (freshmen are handled differently). Global-ranking of dormitory-groups Capacity determination Spare beds are held in each dorm-group (up to 20%). Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Old process ctd. Assignment Appeals and declines I – “crying” Students with highest “merit-score” are determined “eligible.” Filling dorm-groups from highest to lowest: D1 q1 highest “credit score” students that selected it The “selection” of those who listed D1 and did not get it is changed to D2. D2 q2 highest “credit score” students that selected it etc. Appeals and declines I – “crying” Assignment of rooms and Appeals II Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Disadvantages of previous assignment method Students stated only one desired dormitory-group A joint ladder of preferences Students couldn’t state they prefer to live off- campus over getting some dormitory-group Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The (GS) classic model: 2-sided matching markets One-to-one model: Two groups Each person having a ranking over a subset of members of the other group Goal: finding a stable matching Individually rational No blocking pairs (blocking pair: a pair of individuals that are not matched to each other but both individuals prefer the other over their match) Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Importance Amusing story – boys and girls Results with interesting interpretation Gale-Shapley and McVitie-Wilson Algorithms Captures many concepts and ideas Important applications Interns assigned to residence (14,000/year) Other junior-level job markets Assigning students to schools in NYC & Boston Kidney transplants by live donors Rich mathematical analysis Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The stable matching model with an entrance criterion 2 finite disjoint sets: S – students T – dormitory-groups For each student sS : preferences over dormitory-groups, allowing to find some dormitory-groups unacceptable ms - merit score For each dormitory-group t: qt - The number of beds in it Preferences over students, allowing to find some students unacceptable (extension of using a common and complete preferences over students determined by a credit score) Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Stability in our model Outcome (µ, W, R): µ - An assignment of students to dorm-groups W - Waiting list R - Refugees (W, R) partitions the set of unassigned students Outcome (µ, W, R) is stable if: All pairs in µ are mutually acceptable No blocking pairs (s,t) with s in S \ W ms < ms’ for each s in W and s’ in S \ W Either W = or no vacancies in any dorm-group t (qt students are assigned to dorm-group t) Note: waiting lists of all stable outcomes are ordered by set inclusion Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
McVitie-Wilson Algorithm At each stage: An unassigned (non single) student is picked Proposal of student to his highest dorm-group that have not yet rejected him If there is an empty bed or a less preferred student – accept In the latter case, the dorm-group rejects the less preferred student Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The dormitory assignment algorithm (DorAA) Data Structure: W - Waiting list P - In process R - Refugees Idea: Iteratively run MV-W over the set of students in P replace students that are destined to be refugees by students from W with highest merit-score Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Properties The output is independent of the selection of proposing students Students can be moved from W to P in blocks Each execution of the iterative step may start with the assignment generated in the previous iteration. Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Main Results Let (µ, W, R) be the output of DorAA: (µ, W, R) is stable R is a minimal set among all stable outcomes W is a maximal set among all stable outcomes Each student in S \ W gets the best outcome he can get over all stable outcomes R contains no student who finds all dorm-groups acceptable, and is acceptable over all dorm-groups (like in the case with credit-score) Incentive compatibility: A student cannot submit a false preferences list and gain while all other students give true preferences list Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Open questions and current research topics Incentive compatibility for a group of students Incentive compatibility for a joint set Linear programming for the dormitory- group assignment model Students applying as “groups” Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Summary Case study of dormitory assignment at the Technion Variant of the (GS) stable matching model which includes an “entrance criterion” Modification of the (MV-W) Deferred Acceptance Algorithm and some of its properties Unresolved issues and current research topics Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
Nitsan Perach 054-9779427
The dormitory assignment algorithm (DorAA) Initialization: Let P= , R= and let W be the set of all students in S, ordered by their merit-score. Also, let μ be the empty assignment. Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The dormitory assignment algorithm (DorAA) Iterative step: If W is empty, STOP. Move the first student (having the highest merit-score) from W to P. Apply the Student-Courting version of the McVitie-Wilson Algorithm on data which considers only students in P. Let µ be the outcome assignment. If for each tT then STOP. Otherwise, run another iterative step. Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups
The dormitory assignment algorithm (DorAA) Output: Return (µ, W, R), where R is the set of single students under µ when stopping. Stable Matchings for Assigning Students to Dormitory-Groups