Presentation to Merton INVOLVE Simon Williams 10.2.2011
1. Grants process 2011/12 Concluded and letters have gone out Saving of £175k overall Thanks to task group for designing process, to panel for assistance, and to voluntary sector generally for their mature understanding Will continue to look at how this can be further improved, including longer term funding arrangements in places
2. Shared work programme 2011 Task group will continue to meet every 3 weeks Work programme based on areas already identified Looking soon at information/advice Will also be sharing revised commissioning strategy/business plan as it emerges
Voluntary Community Services Including Benefits Advice SESSIONAL/ BANK STAFF Voluntary Community Services Web Enabled One Stop Shop P.A.’s INFORMATION ADVICE & SIGNPOSTING AGENCY/ STAFF REHABILITATION E.G. VISUAL IMPAIRMENT TRAINING Car Scheme Carers Focal Referral Point VCS to do on behalf of Adult Social Care Escorts Peer Support CARERS SUPPORT TRANSPORT Brokerage Drop Ins Group FUND HOLDING Self Help Groups BUILDINGS MANAGEMENT/ LEASING DAY ACTIVITIES ENRICHMENT Travel Training SMALL GRANTS TO CARERS COMMUNITY FUND
3. Volunteering review Asked to do this on council-wide basis Have worked with Volunteering Board and others Planning conference on this in April Overall objectives: Review work programme in the light of end of LAA and specific targets Look at how together we can increase social capital Identify areas where volunteers may be needed more as statutory services decrease
Volunteering: emerging areas for action (1) Profile and brand (more consistent and collective approach) Neighbourhood approach (could more be done on this basis?) Further developing web enabled approach to matching volunteers and volunteer-using organisations (VUOs) Recruitment (face to face and web enabled, reviewing risk management, reviewing approach to employers and schools, considering how Olympic legacy may work for Merton) Defining demand (how VUOs describe needs and requirements, identify emerging gaps)
Volunteering: emerging areas for action (2) Support to volunteers (review and redefine what are minimum expectations, review support offered to VUOs, review what is offered to volunteers with “more needs”) Recognition and reward (? Universal certificate at a certain level which can help for employment, role of council and Mayor in recognition, confirm policy on expenses) Funding (review what is needed as core infrastructure and what should be funded separately, and sources of funding)