Safety Health and Wellbeing Workplace Injury Rehabilitation Office of People & Capability Safety Health and Wellbeing Workplace Injury Rehabilitation
What is Rehabilitation? provides an early, graduated and safe return of the employee to pre-injury duties consists of specifically selected duties / Suitable Duties (SD) SD are based on medical advice SD are meaningful and contribute to the work effort determined in consultation between the IMC (Injury Management Coordinator) , the injured / ill employee and their supervisor
Why is Rehabilitation so important? Mitigates the potential risk to the safety of the employee and their work mates (safety critical tasks, safe operation of plant and machinery, safe evacuation, etc.) Mitigates the risk of exacerbation to the injury / illness of the employee Report all Injuries / illnesses - work and non work related - to your Supervisor / IMC This facilitates development of a RTWP (Return to Work Plan) Insufficient studies to determine effectiveness of sit-stand desks – to date some minor evidence they may assist in back musculo-skeletal discomfort, however may increase neck and shoulder musculo-skeletal discomfort No standard sit–stand ratio has been established; though current advice to aim for a change each 30-60 minutes, aiming for a one to one ratio throughout the day Workstation Ergonomics
How does it Work? You will see a doctor and get a WorkSafe Certificate (work related) Work Capabilities Form completed (non-work related) IMC, Supervisor and injured / ill employee will discuss potential suitable duties – based on the medical advice obtained RTWP developed and signed by participants RTWP reviewed and updated on a regular basis – usually coincides with medical review Workstation Ergonomics
What are the Requirements? RTWP MUST NOT expire it is to remain in date at all times must be closed out on receipt of medical clearance Duties not on the RTWP MUST NOT be attempted A RTWP IS NOT a permanent job change Injured / Ill employees MUST have a CURRENT RTWP at all times – no work to be conducted without a current plan in place Workstation Ergonomics
Non-work related Injury / Illness Non-work related injuries do occur and may result in the employee being unable to conduct all their pre-injury duties Employee requests to return to work (Supervisor, who contacts IMC) Prior to returning to work – completed Work Capabilities and Injured Worker Authorisation Form required (medical advice to facilitate RTWP) Determination of the availability of suitable duties – determined on a case by case basis (injury / illness condition, pre-injury job, available duties) RTWP will be monitored by Supervisor and IMC and updated by IMC ; with Supervisor and Employee consultation Workstation Ergonomics
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