GOD’S RULE AMONG THE NATIONS God’s role dismissed by many, but not by Bible students History replete with divine hand in national affairs Rule not arbitrary or unfair, but principled Jesus’ role in this rule
GOD DOES RULE NATIONS. Creator of world, Giver of life, Sovereign of nations Acts 17:24-26 Job 12:23; Jer. 10:7; Psm. 22:28 Dan. 4:17 Timeless principle of divine rule: OT, NT Principle of righteousness: Prov. 14:34; 16:12; Psm. 9:17
GOD DESTROYS WHEN THERE IS INSUFFICIENT SALT TO SAVE IT. Antediluvian world, Gen. 6 Sodom, Gen. 18:26 Amorites in Canaan, Gen. 15:13-16 Israel, Deut. 4:5; 28:47-50 Eight different nations/cities, Amos 1-2; 3:7 Two unknowns: 1) How much salt? 2) How longsuffering is God (1 Pet. 3:20)?
GOD’S USE OF ANCIENT NATIONS Assyria, Isa. 10:5-7, 24 Babylon, Hab.1:5-6; Dan. 4:17- 32; Jer. 50:17 Medes, Jer. 51:11, 28 Greece (Macedonia), Dan. 8:5-8, 21 Rome, Mt. 23:37-38; Lk. 21:20
PLACE OF JESUS IN GOD’S RULE Psm. 2 - nations his inheritance Psm. 45:6-7 - loves right., hates iniquity Psm. 110 - judges the nations Isa. 11:4-5- slays the wicked Mic. 5:15 - divine vengeance Mt. 28:18; Eph. 1:20-23; 1 Pet. 3:21-22 - all authority Rev. 1:5; 12:5; 17:14; 19:11-16 - rules kings Mt. 23:37-38 - house left desolate
PRINCIPLES IN SUMMARY God spares righteous nations but destroys evil ones. God uses other nations, even wicked ones. True strength for survival lies in righteousness, not wealth or weaponry. Christians can influence God’s decision by righteous conduct and persistent prayer.