Warm Up This is data on the gasoline tax (in cents per gallon) charged in various states as of July, 2018. Make a boxplot of this data. Also list the values of the median, Q1 and Q3 and be able to identify any outliers. State Gas Tax State Gas Tax Alabama 21.9 Maine 30.0 Alaska 14.7 Michigan 26.3 Arizona 19.0 Missouri 17.3 California 47.7 Nevada 23.8 Florida 32.0 Oregon 34.0 Hawaii 16.0 Pennsylvania 57.6 Idaho 33.0 Texas 20.0 Iowa 30.5 Washington 49.4
Big Mac Prices In Central and South America This is data on the price of a Big Mac (converted back to dollars) in several South and Central American countries. Country Price Country Price Argentina 3.56 Costa Rica 3.83 Brazil 4.91 Mexico 2.50 Chile 3.34 Peru 3.54 Colombia 4.39 Uruguay 3.74 Calculate the mean and standard deviation for this set of data (by hand).
A College Statistics Professor made course material and lecture notes available on a web page. Software tracked how many times each of the 40 students accessed the website. 20 37 4 20 0 84 14 36 5 331 19 0 0 22 3 13 14 36 4 0 18 8 0 26 4 0 5 23 19 7 12 8 13 16 21 7 13 12 8 42 Calculate the 5 number summary vs. mean and std. dev. Which do you think is a better summary of the data and why?
Chapter 1 Review A 2010 study found that bats will confuse a shiny metal surface with a pool of water and will attempt to drink from it. In an experiment a rough wooden plate and a shiny metal plate were placed in a room. The bats never attempted to drink from the wood. The number of times 11 different bats attempted to drink from the metal are shown below: 66 144 13 26 94 163 8 125 1 64 56 Make a plot of the data (you choose the type). 2) Calculate the mean and standard deviation and the 5 number summary. Which is a better choice for summarizing this data? 3) Comment on the distribution of the data.