Accomplished Recommendation Planned Actions for Control Table 5. Control Plan Communicated for the Company Staff Accomplished Recommendation Planned Actions for Control Frequency Responsibility A contract with a new supplier for steel wire was established -Evaluation for all suppliers -Three months -Purchasing Department Mixing machine replaced by a new one with a more reliable counter. -Predictive and Preventive maintenance as per manuals -Weekly -Maintenance Department Complete maintenance was implemented to the drawing and cutting machine Cleaning process of the work space -Set schedule forcleaning with a checklist and signature -Daily -Production Department Instructions for engineers to avoid having any unpacked products -Ensure that there is no unpacked products Mohamed K. Hassan et al. Applying Lean Six Sigma for Waste Reduction in a Manufacturing Environment. American Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 2, 28-35. doi:10.12691/ajie-1-2-4 © The Author(s) 2013. Published by Science and Education Publishing.