Somerset, Wiltshire, Avon & Gloucestershire Cancer Alliance 62 Day Standard Performance Q1 2019/20 Sunita Berry/Patricia McLarnon
Cancer Waiting Times Indicator CWTs June 2019 Q1 2019 NHS England Cancer Waiting Times Indicator Seen within 2 weeks of referral Seen within 2 weeks. Referred for breast symptoms Treated within 31 Days from decision to treat to first treatment Treated within 31 Days where subsequent treatment was anti-cancer drug Treated within 31 Days where subsequent treatment was radiotherapy Treated within 31 Days where subsequent treatment was surgery Treated within 62 Days from referral to first treatment (including rare cancers) Treated within 62 Days from national screening to first treatment Treated within 62 Days from consultant upgrade to first treatment England 89.9% 75.5% 96.3% 98.9% 96.7% 91.2% 79.4% 89.7% 84.1% England (incl. Wales LHB) East of England 90.1% 76.1% 96.5% 96.4% 84.5% 79.7% 86.6% London 93.0% 90.4% 97.4% 99.3% 98.0% 95.8% 81.9% 90.5% 89.8% Midlands 87.1% 65.8% 95.6% 99.0% 75.8% 91.1% 82.1% North East and Yorkshire 88.2% 69.7% 98.1% 92.1% 80.1% 90.6% North West 64.9% 97.6% 99.6% 98.5% 96.2% 80.7% 90.3% 85.8% South East 93.3% 86.9% 99.4% 94.4% 79.6% 85.1% 81.8% South West 85.9% 72.3% 94.8% 95.5% 80.3% 84.9%
Jun-19 Seen within target SWAG CWTs June 2019 Measure Standard Jun-19 Performance Jun-19 Number Seen Jun-19 Seen within target Jun-19 Breaches 18-19 Q1 Performance 19-20 Q1 Performance Two week wait from cancer referral to specialist appointment 93% 88.6% 10,349.0 9,170.0 1,179.0 91.3% 88.4% Two week wait (breast symptoms - cancer not suspected) 89.6% 528.0 473.0 55.0 89.9% 91.4% 31-day wait from decision to treat to first treatment 96% 94.0% 1,294.0 1,217.0 77.0 96.7% 94.6% 31-day wait for subsequent surgery 94% 88.2% 272.0 240.0 32.0 95.0% 89.8% 31-day wait for subsequent anti-cancer drug regimen 98% 99.3% 282.0 280.0 2.0 98.8% 31-day wait for subsequent radiotherapy 322.0 294.0 28.0 95.5% 94.5% 62-day wait from referral to treatment (including rare cancers) 85% 74.9% 733.0 549.0 184.0 81.4% 79.0% Screening: Breast 90% 92.5% 93.0 86.0 7.0 95.8% 94.4% Gynaecological 85.7% 6.0 1.0 83.3% 93.3% Lower Gastrointestinal 77.8% 18.0 14.0 4.0 76.2% 85.1% 62-day wait for treatment following a referral from a screening service 118.0 106.0 12.0 92.3% 93.0% 62-day wait for treatment following a consultant upgrade n/a 78.1% 192.0 150.0 42.0 81.2% 83.9%
Times Series Treated within 62 Days
Jun-19 Seen within target 62 day by tumour type Tumour Type Jun-19 Performance Jun-19 Number Seen Jun-19 Seen within target Jun-19 Breaches Jun-19 104-day waits 18-19 Q1 Performance 19-20 Q1 Performance Brain/Central Nervous System - 100.0% Breast 90.6% 96 87 9 96.2% 92.6% Gynaecological 75.6% 41 31 10 3 84.0% 75.7% Haematological (Excluding Acute Leukaemia) 64.3% 42 27 15 5 77.5% 70.5% Head & Neck 50.0% 26 13 1 67.1% 57.0% Lower Gastrointestinal 62.3% 69 43 67.2% 69.3% Lung 60.3% 63 38 25 2 66.7% 67.9% Other 75.0% 8 6 83.8% 80.0% Sarcoma 4 92.9% 68.4% Skin 96.9% 162 157 96.8% 98.1% Upper Gastrointestinal 80.4% 51 80.2% 82.4% Urological (Excluding Testicular) 59.4% 165 98 67 66.3% 61.1% Acute leukaemia Children's Testicular Total 74.9% 733 549 184 81.4% 79.0%