Tapping Your Knowledge What is your personal definition of art? How did this grow out of your past experiences with art?
Aspects of Product Oriented Approach Teachers/competent child makes a model to “SEE HOW IT’S DONE” How the project should look is PREDETERMINED Teacher only gives prepared materials (precut shapes, counted out pieces etc) “EXTRA MATERIALS” cannot be added Use of adult made/commercial stencils KIDS WANT ADULTS TO “DO” IT FOR THEM
Aspects of Product Oriented Approach Teacher limits AMOUNT OF TIME the children can work on projects Teacher FIXES, FINISHES, or CHANGES a project so it “LOOKS RIGHT.”
Product Oriented Art Why Do We Do It? 1. It’s safe………..it’s packaged and teachers feel they can “teach” the children how to “do” it 2. It PLEASES PARENTS 3. It’s traditional (Glued eyes on precut pumpkins)
4. It’s HARMLESS FUN. Kids who have experiences this say they “can’t” draw or want the teachers to do it for them. Children lack SELF CONFIDENCE. 5. It’s CONVENIENT. Actually prepping usually takes more time.
Bev Bos Art Segment
Product Oriented Art
Non-Verbal Response to Young Artists Body Language: Message should always match what we are saying/feelings SIT OR STOOP CLOSE to them as they do art. Participate non-verbally in the process! Use as many nonverbal cues as possible, so as not to DISTURB OTHER CHILDREN
Non-Verbal Response to Young Artists Sharing Emotions: Share the SOURCE of your feeling with the child…………..”I am going to use this yellow color because I am feeling so happy today”….be careful with SAD FEELINGS!
Non-Verbal Response to Young Artists Active Listening Should be one of the first responses about artwork Listen before responding to gain understanding about ARTISTS’ INTENT
Non-Verbal Response to Young Artists Active Listening Show you care about what they are saying 1. WAIT (with eye contact) 2. LOOK (maintain eye contact, get closer) 3. RESPOND (with nonverbal cues, “hums”)
Video: A Creative Adventure
VERBAL RESPONSE TO ARTISTS Takes PRACTICE…….be careful as comments about art have profound effects Deliver on a ONE TO ONE basis PROBLEM WITH PRAISE Be careful with praise.”Good work”, “Nice picture” etc overused DIMINISHES the compliment
Verbal Response to Young Artists PROBLEM WITH PRAISE “Beautiful” etc focuses on LIKEABILITY of art work, whether or not they “performed” well
Verbal Response to Young Artists POSITIVE FEEDBACK Tell children precisely what they did well “I noticed you wiped your brush on the edge of the paint container so the paint didn’t drip” Focus on TECHNIQUE that will give them further success rather than the PRODUCT
Verbal Response to Young Artists DESCRIPTIVE STATMENTS Make children aware of their behavior, how they solved a problem, or to increase understanding of art concepts VALUE INDIVIDUALITY Refer to how working with others OR materials
Verbal Response to Young Artists EXAMPLES OF DESCRIPTIVE STATEMENTS “I see you are sharing your glue with your partner.” (WORK WITH OTHERS) You have worked for a great deal of time on that project.” (EFFORT) “I noticed you rolled the clay into a long snake.” (MANIPULATION OF MATERIALS) “You moved the computer mouse in a circular way to make those curved lines.” (MANIP)
Verbal Response to Young Artists DESCRIBING ARTISTIC DECISIONS Verbalize the steps children have taken to solve a problem SUMMARIZE THEIR SOLUTIONS Makes children aware of how they have worked through a process Example: “First you tired gluing it, then bending it.” (SOLUTION) Example: “You TRIED, FOUND, DISCOVERED, CHOOSE……3 colors, a way to attach, etc”
Verbal Response to Young Artists DESCRIBING ART CONCEPTS Increase children’s VOCABULARY, further their understanding of the art elements they have used, and make them aware of the QUALITIES OF THEIR ARTWORK. Example: “Look at the swirling lines you have made” “Your play-dough feels so smooth!” “Look at the way the wet paint sparkles!”
Verbal Response to Young Artists PARAPHRASING “I made lots of green lines” “Yes, you did make many green lines.”
Verbal Response to Young Artists Expressing Feelings Respond on an interpretive level to model for the child the way art communicates to other people Refer to a personal sensation or a visual memory “The colors in your picture make me feel……” “The shapes in your picture remind me of…….”
Verbal Response to Young Artists Describing the Subject Describe the lines, shapes, colors, aesthetic elements of the artwork INSTEAD OF WHAT YOU THINK IT LOOKS LIKE etc It is difficult for adults to identify the INTENDED SUBJECTS WITH ACCURACY
SUMMARY 1. We are artists when we make ARTISTIC DECISIONS 2. Our beliefs about ourselves as artists come from our PAST EXPERIENCES 3. Everyone uses the creative process to solve problems and explore ideas