Welcome to L6 A Level Maths “It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” - Albert Einstein
Department Rules & Expectations Full attendance & punctuality Come to every lesson with all equipment Complete all work on time and to a high standard Be willing to make mistakes - that’s how you learn When you need it, ask for help Study Pack
Resources Department website www.aquinasmaths.com E-textbook Integral Examsolutions.net Wolframalpha The Maths department To buy… Casio FX-991EX CLASSWIZ Calculator (UK edition) Revision Guide (£5.50) Revision Workbook Bundle (£11)
Study Packs At the end of each week you will receive a study pack. After receiving the pack, you will be expected to have this pack with you in every lesson so that your teacher can check your progress and ensure that you have fully completed the pack by the end of the following week. The solutions to the pack will then go up on the department website and you will have until the first lesson of the following week to mark your work and hand it in to your teacher.
Initial Assignment – Study Pack 0 Your 1st assignment is Study Pack 0 and contains GCSE revision. It is shorter than other study packs but gives you an idea of what future study packs will look like. This initial assignment is due to be completed by your last lesson of the first week.
Study Pack – Front Page This box will contain important information or Maths department news This is where your teacher will tick off the tasks you have completed before you hand the study pack in This is where you tick off the tasks that you have completed This is where your teacher will give feedback on the quality or quantity of your work, including your marking and your independent study
Study Pack – Key Facts Pages You will need to use your notes or other resources to fill in the answers to these key facts Do NOT guess these answers or simply try to remember what you think they are – use your notes or other resources to check that you know the key facts BEFORE answering any of the other questions in the study pack
Study Pack – Drill Questions These are skill based questions that are unlikely to come up as questions in an exam but are required knowledge in order to answer A Level exam questions.
Study Pack – Exam Questions These are exam-style questions and so you will need to make sure that you answer them in as much detail as you would in an exam. You will be given more space than you need for the exam questions, just as you would in the real exams, so don’t worry about having to fill the entire space.
Remember – quality over quantity Study Pack – Independent Study You are expected to complete 5 hours of work outside of class each week for Maths. You can choose which activities/exercises to complete each week but it is recommended to do a variety. Some weeks you will have one resource that will be compulsory to use as part of your independent study. For Study Pack 0, you will be expected to provide evidence that you have completed the preparation material on the department website. On this page, you will need to record which activities you are going to do and then use the blank pages after it to complete those activities. You are also welcome to use extra paper if necessary. Remember – quality over quantity
Study Pack – Marked Question At the end of each study pack will be 1 extra exam question on the current topic. The solutions to this question will not appear on the website with the solutions to the rest of the study pack. Instead, this question will be either marked by your teacher or will be peer-marked in class.
Be More / Referral If you fail to complete all aspects of the study pack (including independent study) or you fail to mark your study pack or you hand anything in late, then you will be referred to a Be More session. You would then need to attend a Be More session each week until you have completed all of the work and handed it in. You may also be referred to a Be More session if you have missed a lesson and need to catch up with the work missed.
Trips & Extracurricular We run a variety of trips throughout the year, including: Dame Kathleen Ollerenshaw Lecture (October) Maths Inspiration (November) Maths Fest (February) IMA A-level Lecture (March) Women in Maths Research @ (June) Mathematical Modelling Day @ Manchester Uni (June) Extracurricular We also run weekly maths enrichment sessions/competitions open to all students: Weekly Pi Challenge Senior Maths Challenge Senior Team Challenge Ritangle Competition MathsBombe
A/A* Programme Students aspiring for an A/A* in Maths will need to go the extra mile to achieve these grades. We offer support through our A/A* Programme: Dedicated study spaces on the maths corridor for you to work together Mentoring programme between L6 and U6 students Preparation for University Admissions Tests/STEP Papers It is important that you start to think more deeply about the mathematical concepts, not just learning facts and formulas but seeking out the links between the different topics and challenging yourselves to find new/different ways to solve problems.
AS Further Maths For students aspiring to further study in: Maths Physics Computer Science Engineering Or: just love maths! Some universities require at least an AS in Further Maths, if the course is offered where you study. Many universities will give you a lower offer for these courses if you have AS Further Maths. If you would like to pick up AS Further Maths please stay behind at the end of this assembly.
Check Your Email Make sure to check your college email regularly. Over the next few days you will be sent an important Maths email which you MUST read, which will include: Important course information Login details for the e-textbook and integral Information on purchasing the course calculator and revision guide Follow us on Twitter @aquinasmaths www.aquinasmaths.com