MEET THEM CASEY STENGEL Former NY Yankees Manager HAROLD K. SPERLICH Former President, Chrysler Corp. HENRY FORD American Captain of Industry “Getting” good players is easy. Gettin' 'em” to play together is the hard part.” Name Here “Everyone has to work together; if we can’t get everybody working toward common goals, nothing is going to happen “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress Working together is success.”
WHAT IS TEAMWORK? A team is a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance, goals and approach, for which they hold themselves accountable. TEAMWORK
GROUP Groups are under the. direction of a manager. TEAM Teams are self- managed. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GROUP AND A TEAM NOT A FIXED ENTITY. TEAMS ARE DYNAMIC,
Introduction of new members to form a team. FORMING 01 STAGES OF TEAM DEVELOPMENT This stage needs to be acknowledged and dealt with as part of normal team behavior. STORMING 02 A sense of team identity develops along with trust. Team members begin to share ideas and objectives. They agree on what is to be achieved and commitment develops. NORMING 03 Energy is now directed towards the task. It needs to be channeled and coordinated well PERFORMING 04
Listen to other people's ideas. When people are allowed to freely express their ideas, these initial ideas will produce other ideas.LISTEN
Ask questions, interact, and discuss the objectives of the team.QUESTION
Individuals are encouraged to exchange, defend, and then to ultimately rethink their ideas.PERSUADE
Treat others with respect and support their ideas. Compliment each other's ideas.RESPECT
Share with the team to create an environment of teamwork.SHARE
All members of the team are encouraged to participate in the team.PARTICIPATE
ADVANTAGES OF TEAMWORK Creative problem-solving from the inputs of individuals of the team The pooling of resources, ideas and expertise. Greater control over the tasks assigned. Providing for continuity in the carrying out of tasks or projects. If a member leaves the team, the project continues. DISADVANTAGES OF TEAMWORK It can take a lot of time to make decisions and complete tasks- this can happen due to different ideas or unsettled disagreement. Unwillingness to participate- a member of a team might have been a part of the task to complete and did not complete it in the required time. Unequal Participation- With some teams, there can be a tendency for members to sit back and let others do most of the work.
Coming together is a beginning. Working together is progress. Staying together is a triumph. Staying together is a triumph.
KEEP IN MIND Team skills need practice and development. A team’s success is measured by the achievement of the team as a whole. Industry values teamwork more than an individual’s ability to contribute. Don't express an opinion as a fact.
PERFECT EPITOME OF TEAM EFFORTS We are happy to announce our college received A+ grade by NAAC