Associations between the ‘% of patients that ever used a bDMARD’ and the ‘composite score clinical criteria’, ‘composite score access to medication’ and clinical outcomes. bDMARD, biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; BR, Brazil; ES, Spain; FR, France; GDP, gross domestic product; IE, Ireland; IN, India; JP, Japan; MX, Mexico; NL, Netherlands; PT, Portugal; SA, South Africa. Associations between the ‘% of patients that ever used a bDMARD’ and the ‘composite score clinical criteria’, ‘composite score access to medication’ and clinical outcomes. bDMARD, biological disease modifying antirheumatic drugs; BR, Brazil; ES, Spain; FR, France; GDP, gross domestic product; IE, Ireland; IN, India; JP, Japan; MX, Mexico; NL, Netherlands; PT, Portugal; SA, South Africa. Sytske Anne Bergstra et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2018;77:1413-1420 ©2018 by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism