Granville Athletics Pre-Season Sport Meeting Fall 2019 @GV_Blue_Aces Granville_athletics
Athletic Office/Communication Josh DeVoll – District Athletic Director Dustin Grime – Middle School / Assistant Athletic Director Laura Whittington – Athletic Office Secretary Lisa Ormond – MS Principal Granville Athletic Website Granville Middle School Website *Be sure to sign up for our daily announcements!
Welcome to GMS Athletics
2019-2020 Fall High School Head Coaches Cross Country – Renee Haley Golf – Paul Drake Cheerleading – Tiffany Fout 7th Volleyball – Amanda Gottfried 8th Volleyball – Lori Dupler 7th/8th Football – Jason Muhlenkamp/ Bobby Vahalik Athletic Training – Brei Miller, Steve Rose
GRANVILLE ATHLETIC BOOSTERS Booster Board Members President – Janell Rogers Treasurer – Shari Purdy Treasurer – Jared Cottrell Secretary – Teri Niedermeyer Email:
Why Interscholastic Athletics & OHSAA Beliefs Participation in interscholastic athletics programs is educational in nature and: Compliments your school experience. Fosters a sense of community and teaches lifelong lessons of hard work, teamwork, citizenship and discipline. Promotes a lifetime appreciation for sports and healthy lifestyles. Helps prepare you for the next level of your life as a responsible adult and productive citizen.
Why Interscholastic Athletics & OHSAA Beliefs Participants in interscholastic athletics programs should engage in a well-rounded experience that includes participation in a multitude of extracurricular activities. In interscholastic athletics: • Student academic achievement and success take priority over athletics achievement and success. • The success of a team is more important than individual awards. Participation in interscholastic athletics programs is a privilege, not a right.
Ohio High School Athletic Association Academics: Pass five courses from previous grading period Residence Transfer Semesters: Beginning in the 9th grade—8 semesters Age limitations - 20 years old Physical Exam Amateur Status False Information Ejections/Fighting OHSAA Rule Regarding Player-Fan Interaction
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Academics: 2.0 GPA from previous grading period All Forms must be completed online using FinalForms Code of Conduct; Risk Waiver and Warning Form; Insurance Information; Emergency Medical Form, Physical form, Do not change classes w/o discussing with the AD or Coach. Students enrolled in Career Center, Home school, CCP, etc. are responsible for submitting grades to the AD when GHS quarter ends. Summer school grades do NOT count towards eligibility Participating with non-school teams of the same sport while in season = INELIGBLE
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS MS STUDENTS All incoming ninth graders must have received passing grades in a minimum of five subjects in the immediately preceding grading period. HS STUDENTS passing grades in a minimum of five one-credit courses, or the equivalent, in the immediately preceding grading period AND EARN 2.0 Grade Point Average in the immediately preceding grading period
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Students who did not meet the GPA requirement may be eligible for a waiver: Waiver for GPA requirements can be used if the athlete has met the OHSAA five credit rule. Only two waivers can be granted in four years of participation. A waiver will only be considered if the request includes a written Academic Improvement Plan and a letter of application signed by the parent and student. This letter MUST be completed and filed with in the Athletic Director's office prior to any participation
ATHLETIC ELIGIBILITY ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS A student must be present a full school day if they are to participate in a contest on that school day. A student must be in attendance for four full periods before he/she is permitted to participate in practice for that day. An athlete cannot practice/participate if he or she is absent from school, or is assigned in school or out of school suspension. TARDIES: students are allowed two tardies (arrive to school prior to 8:20 a.m.) per semester. After the two tardies, they must be present the full day if they are to participate in a contest/performance on that day. Exceptions: medical or dental appointments pre-approved by the principal. Request must be made prior to the game/activity day.
All pre-participation paperwork completed using Final Forms Complete registration at Parent Playbook is located in your packet Step by step process to register and complete forms Only documentation need to be returned = physician signature page of the physical Make a copy for your records All Fall Athletes must have ALL forms completed by August 1
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services Team Physician: Steven Albrechta, MD OSU Wexner Medical Center Athletic Training Staff: Steve Rose- Head Athletic Trainer 614-314-8237 (cell) Brei Miller- Asst. Athletic Trainer 330-507-7513 (cell) Drew Alheim- Sports Performance @BlueAceSportsAT
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services Athletic Training Room Coverage/Hours Coverage - as a general rule, AT will be available for all Home Events and practices. On multiple event days the AT will be at the higher injury risk event. PRESEASON HOUR (August 1 - August 17) 30 min/1 hr prior to the 1st scheduled practice - end of last scheduled practice Estimated hours 7am-7pm (subject to change) SCHOOL YEAR HOURS (Starting August 19 - May 2020) Monday-Friday 2:00pm- Last Home Event/Practice Saturday 30 min-1 hr prior to start of 1st Home Event/Practice or by appointment. Sunday CLOSED Team Physician ATR Hours Every Monday BY APPOINTMENT ONLY by AT Staff
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services What to do when an injury occurs? The athlete should report injuries to the AT staff and/or Coach (if AT is not present) Athletic Training Room Field/Sideline Call Email School Nurse (during school hours)
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services How does the AT Staff Communicate INJURIES to Parents? Mild Student-Athlete Parent Note Moderate Phone Call Severe PHONE CALL! Head Injuries: All Head Injuries will be communicated by Phone to the Parent/Guardian NO MATTER HOW MILD OR SEVERE
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services When an athlete needs to see a Physician The Athletic Training department is not designed to replace the family Physician. The AT staff will communicate our recommendation with the parents/guardian if the injury warrants a referral - PCP, Specialist, ER, UC, Imaging, etc. The choice of health care provider and initiation of medical treatment always remains at the discretion of the parent/guardian. If we can help in any way with a quick physician referral please contact the GHS AT Staff!
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services Documentation from treating Physicians All athletes who are evaluated by a Physician- UC, ER, PCP, Specialist MUST provide written Documentation from the treating Physician indicating the type of injury, course of Treatment and participation status. AT’s work under the direction of a Physician. If a Physician restricts or gives recommendations regarding playing status, rehab or treatment of an injury, we need that in writing so we can make sure we are following the treating Physicians’ orders.
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Athletic Training Services Return to Activity once cleared by treating Physician Recognized as a release to begin a functional progression back to activity To ensure we are monitoring the existing condition for a safe return.
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Student & Extracurricular CODE OF CONDUCT The opportunity to participate and represent Granville in extracurricular activities is a distinct privilege. In order to earn this privilege and keep it, there are certain rules and regulations that a student must follow. All students, who participate in school-sponsored programs, must conduct themselves in a way so as to reflect favorably on themselves, their school and community. Behaviors unbecoming of an student Athlete are subject to code violations this includes but not limited to: Theft Vandalism Hazing Penalties range from a minimum 10% suspension to maximum permanent denial of participation
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS Transportation: Student-athletes who travel with a team to an away athletic event must return to the school with the team. Exception: Parent/Guardian must sign a “No-School Approved Transportation” form for their son/daughter PRIOR to leaving. Pay to participate have been eliminated for the 2019-2020 school year
GRANVILLE SCHOOLS TICKET AND PASS INFORMATION Gate Prices: Admission to athletic events support our entire Athletic Program. $5 Adult $3 Student/Senior Citizens Granville Senior Citizens - Free Individual and Family Passes Order form located in your packet Please sign into each contest at the pass gate
Parent-Coach Communication Expectations from the Coach Philosophy Team Rules and Requirements Practice schedule and Game Schedule Procedure for injured athletes Discipline which directly affects participation Requirements for team selection, lettering and awards Information regarding Eligibility Requirements
Parent-Coach Communication Expectations from Parents Concerns expressed directly to the Coach. Notification of schedule conflicts. Your attendance/support at contests and awards night Transportation for your child after practices/games…Coach does not transport athletes. Contact phone number for emergencies
Parent-Coach Communication Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches: Treatment of your child Ways to help your child improve. Concerns about your child’s behavior. Your child’s academic progress.
Parent-Coach Communication Issues Not Appropriate to Discuss with Coaches: Playing time. Team Strategy. Play Calling. Other Student-Athletes.
Parent-Coach Communication THE NEXT STEP… IF THE MEETING WITH THE COACH DID NOT PROVIDE A SATISFACTORY SOLUTION: Call and set up appointment with the AD to discuss the situation. At this meeting, the appropriate steps can be determined. Discuss Concerns with the Coach: Player/coach meeting. Contact for an appointment. If the coach cannot be reached, contact AD to get meeting arranged. Please do not attempt to confront a Coach before, during, or after a practice or contest.
NFHS PARENT AND STUDENT RESOUCES The National Federation of High School Available Parent Resources/Courses: NCAA Eligibility Appearance & Performance Enhancing Drugs Social Media Student Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Parental Assistance Concession Stands – Organized by MSP (Middle School Parents) and Coaches – If every parent helps once, then it doesn’t end up being a small group of parents doing it all. Clock / Book Volunteers – Organized by Coaches Team Meals / Snacks – Organized by Coaches or Parents There are many opportunities to volunteer your time and skills to each program, and the coach is the best person to find out how. FINISH!!!!
Thanks for your attendance Have a Great Year! Please download this form and return it to the Athletic Office.