Susan Ellenberg District 4
Mayor Rich Constantine City of Morgan Hill
Morgan Hil
Cities’ updates
Add photo of Sky and Ash/Sac Showing
Add numbers from housing program
Volunteer Driver Forum
The Senior Center needs many repairs & updates to cultivate a center where seniors can feel at home with friends. In short, we hope to create a space that has physical and visual connections with nature, abundant common spaces, desirable features and amenities, wellness & fitness space, healthy meals, good indoor air quality, with a clean modern inviting atmosphere for older adults to gather daily. The 3,500 sq ft center needs a sense of life and vitality. The envisioned contemporary Saratoga Senior Center has a warm entrance, floor to ceiling windows, new flooring, an inviting social lounge, reading area with cozy and suitable chairs & tables, new lighting, a community kitchen with hot tea and coffee available, music, an art corner, table tennis & games corner, updated bathrooms, luncheons, take home dinners, and a dedicated resource & technology center. We have started a Philanthropy Campaign to fund the project and rebuild our center. Please consider financially investing in our renovation.
Three-Pronged Program Approach Coordinated Case Management IOA Logo and 3 pronged approach Three-Pronged Program Approach Coordinated Case Management Purchase of Services Housing Retention and Placement
Caremapping workshops
Home Safe Program July 2019
Mandated Reporting: Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse and Neglect in California eLearning Free and online!
SANTA CLARA COUNTY Age-Friendly 3 Year Plan of Action Updates
STEPS INVOLVED TO BECOME AN AGE-FRIENDLY CITY Continual Improvement Progress Evaluation (End of Year 5) 3 year plan Implementation (Year 3-5) Planning (Year 1-2)
3 Year Action Plan Timeline Design Meetings (Fall 2018) Prepare (Goals) Design (Objectives) Develop Action Plan (Outcomes) January 2019 Network Summit Update on action plans Design Plenary (Spring 2019) Prioritizing areas Finalizing action plan Implementation (Summer 2019 onwards) Domain workgroups start implementing action plans
RECAP OF DESIGN MEETINGS 9 domain workshops conducted with over 100 participants Diverse group of participants from County and City departments Non-profit organizations Private businesses Engaged community members Workshops included: Review of community conversation priorities Sharing of services and activities provided by various groups Interactive working sessions to develop outcomes
Civic Engagement LOGIC MODEL OUTCOME: By April 1, 2020, 100% of Senior Centers in Santa Clara County will host an informational presentation on Census 2020 for older adults.
3 Year Action Plan Timeline Design Meetings (Fall 2018) Prepare (Goals) Design (Objectives) Develop Action Plan (Outcomes) January 2019 Network Summit Update on action plans Design Plenary (Spring 2019) Prioritizing areas Finalizing action plan Implementation (Summer 2019 onwards) Domain workgroups start implementing action plans
Almaden Winery Community Center ADU Workshop Saturday, February 2, 2019 Almaden Winery Community Center
Thursday, June 13th Paul Greenwood, Retired San Diego County Deputy District Attorney Greenwood, Retired SD DA
BOS hearing on older adults in March (This is the last time we were at BOS)
Moving Age-friendly Communities Forward: Models for Statewide to Local Collaboration Wednesday, April 17, 2019 3:30-5:00pm Hyatt Regency New Orleans – Celestin G
Click photo for video
Campbell Community Center 1 West Campbell Avenue Saturday, May 18, 2019 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Campbell Community Center 1 West Campbell Avenue Caregivers count 5/19 event
Application deadline: February 26, 2019, 5:00 pm FY20 Community Benefit Online Grant Program Application Funding Priorities: Healthy Body Healthy Mind Healthy Community Application deadline: February 26, 2019, 5:00 pm
Thursday, August 29, Campbell Community Center