SAFE DRIVING RULES AND REGUALTIONS A common contributor to fatal accidents and other accidents is caused from exceeding the speed limit.
SPEED LIMITS Unless otherwise posted: 25 mph –Residential districts, school zones, business areas
50 mph – Non-posted rural roadways
55 mph – Certain state highways and interstates
65mph- Certain interstate highways Motorists pay double fines for exceeding the 65mph limit by 10 miles per hour or more.
MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF THE ROAD!! Keep right except to pass- MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF THE ROAD!! Stay to the right of the roadway’s center lines. Passing is only safe when there is no oncoming traffic
Most passing should be on the left. Passing on the right is allowed only on roads with more than one lane going in the same direction, if there are two or more lanes of continuous traffic going, or when a driver in the left lane is making a left turn, as long as there is enough room to pass. You may Never drive on the shoulder.
NO PASSING Hills Curves Intersection Tunnels Railroads Solid lines If being passed- slow down and let them pass
Yielding Laws Must let other cars go first A.) Yield to your right B.) Cars making lefts yield C.) Cars entering roadways must yield
Yield to the Right-of-way to the following vehciles: Emergency Vehicles (sirens, flashing lights) Buses (when re-entering the roadway) Postal vehicles (when vehicle is seeking to re-enter the flow of traffic) Motorized or mobility-assistance devices (when in crosswalk or seeking to cross a road) Other vehicles that are already in the intersection
Pedestrians Drivers must yield to pedestrians in the crosswalk or be fined up to $500, up to 25 days in jail, community service, license suspension and 2 points.
ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION LANES Acceleration lane – to be able to speed up to join the flow of traffic Deceleration lane – extra lanes at the highway exit to avoid stopping in the entry and exit lanes, start slowing down when entering this lane. If you miss the exit, go to the next exit.
Curves Always slow down before entering a curve because the car tends to go straight.
Intersections Controlled – have traffic lights or regulatory devices Uncontrolled – does not When approaching an uncontrolled intersection, the vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right. The vehicle on the left always yields to the vehicle on the right (ex. Right away or 4 way stop)
Uncontrolled Intersection At intersections with traffic lights, when a yellow light follows a green, a motorist must stop before entering the intersection, unless yellow appears when the vehicle is too close to stop safely.
Special Vehicles A.) School busses- lights on (stop 25 feet back) Can pass at 10 mph at school or other side of a divider
B.) Ice Cream Trucks –full stop, then can pass at no more than 15 mph C.) Emergency Vehicles – lights flashing or sirens (must yield) Police, fire, medical, volunteers (blue lights)
Move Over Law Always pull to the shoulder when an emergency vehicle approaches with its lights flashing in order to yield to the right of way. If a stationary emergency vehicle is on the side of the road you must move over, if safe. If a lane change is not possible, reduce speed and be prepared to stop.
RIGHT ON RED Look for no turn on red sign A.) Full stop B.) Check intersection (left, right left) C.) No secondary right turns D.) Proceed when clear Right turns should be made close to the right curb.
Left Turns Should be made as close as possible to the center line, and the turn should occur before reaching the center of the intersection.
HEADLIGHTS Dim (Low) beams – 350 feet High (Bright) beams – 500 feet Parking lights (yellow) – don’t project – Illegal to drive with just parking lights on
Low Beams – ½ hour after sunset until ½ hour before sunrise Wiper law – Wipers on, Headlights on Best means of communication – lights, horn and hand signals
High Beams – Use on dark, unfamiliar roads (blue light on dashboard will appear when on) Don’t use: On oncoming traffic Directly behind another vehicle Passing Fog
TRACKING – PROPER TURNING Single lane to multilane road – turn into the nearest proper lane in your direction. Multilane to multilane road – turn into the lane you previously occupied
PARKING REGULATIONS Fire hydrant – 10 feet Crosswalk – 25 feet Stop Sign – 50 feet
Firehouse – same side – 20 feet Opposite side – 75 feet
15 feet before a railroad crossing when lights are flashing 25 feet from a stopped school bus 10 mph when driving on the opposite side of a divided highway where there is a stopped school bus with flashing lights or when it is in front of a school dropping off students.
Can’t cover sidewalks or driveways No double parking