Facebook Evangelization
Why use Facebook? The seating capacity at St. Louis Cathedral is 1000 Archbishop Aymond’s Facebook posts’ average reach is over 5000 with 10,000 “likes”.
Facebook Usage As of March 31, 2019, there were 2.38 billion active monthly users on Facebook. 66% of monthly Facebook users use it daily. Worldwide, 1.47 billion people log in daily. 74% of American Facebook users visit daily, with just over half of those checking in multiple times per day.
Getting Started: Create an Account https://www.facebook.com/pages/creation/
Getting Started: Selecting Profile and Cover Photos
Getting Started: Create Your Parish Team Facebook has created five official roles. Admin – Make any changes to your page that you want. You can give other people admin privileges as well. Moderator - Respond to and delete comments on the page. Create ads. View which admin posted a specific post. View Facebook insights. Create posts on the page. Editor - Send messages as the page. Make changes to the page. Analyst - View insights, and determine which admin made a post. Advertiser - Determine which admin made a post. Create ads. View Facebook insights. To add people to roles, go into settings. There you will see a ‘Page Roles’ option. Choose team members for roles carefully.
Getting Started: Create Your Parish Team Have more than one person monitoring or at least a progression in place so if there is any question on a comment it moves up the progression for discussion; Must be able to handle monitoring of volume of comments and respond when necessary and appropriate; Display good judgement in determining whether to respond to appropriate comments or requests for dialogue in a timely manner with guidelines regarding content of that response.
Getting Started: Complete Your About Section
General New Media Guidelines All information posted must adhere to Church teaching; must be professional, respectful and courteous; must avoid debating in any manner Remember to consider your sources and NEVER allow an individual’s personal social media account serve as the institutional account.
General Communications Practices Share the good news about your parish and all parish ministries including the school. Communicate clearly with parishioners and community members quickly to their questions and concerns Keep your staff informed so they can act as spokespeople Use technology and other tools effectively Remember, the Office of Communications is here to help you with both challenges and opportunities in communicating to parents, colleagues, and the broader community.
Facebook Content
Facebook Content Management Be Human – it’s ok to speak in first person; be pastoral always Be Engaging – ask questions; use photos, memes, and gifs Use Hashtags (wisely) – one to two hastags per post is advised; select one to identify your ministry Post Photos AND Videos – we are a visual society; let people see your ministry in action Learn from your Insights – it will tell you who is reading your messages and what messages they area reading
Tips and hints for Facebook Content Liking and sharing content from partners in ministry and colleagues. Including links to online resources. Consistent messaging that people look for daily such as the daily readings or a Saint of the Day. Consider creating a “Social Media Calendar”.
Canva: https://www.canva.com/
Facebook Ads and Boosted Posts When to Use Them To promote a major event on the calendar (hint: use the Facebook Event Post Module) To grow a mailing list or increase parish registration When Not to Use Them To boost a “popular” post To share photos from a past event Just because…
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Ready to get started? Sarah McDonald, Director of Communications (504) 596-3023 – desk (504) 339-6375 – cell smcdonald@arch-no.org - email Get more resources and download this PowerPoint at: https://nolacatholic.org/communications-trainings