Statistic Project Checklist Name: ___________________ Date: __________________ Statistic Project Checklist Directions: Use the checklist to help organize your project. Check off each item you have completed as your work through the project assignments. Create a statistical question. Collect data for your statistical question. Determine any outliers found in the data. Determine the central tendencies of the data. Find the spread of the data collected. Create three representations of the data collected. Written explanation. ____/10 ____/50 ____/150 Total: ___/250
Name: _____________________ Date: ___________________ Project Instructions Create a Statistical Question: Statistical questions are questions that can be answered using data that varies and has more than one possible answer. The students will create a question in which they can use to collect data. Collect Data: After the statistical question has been approved, the students will collect data from their friends and family. Students must survey a total of twenty five people. Students will compile the data on the data sheet provided. Determine Outliers: Based off of personal data sets, students will determine if their data has outliers present. They will log their finding on the outliers handout. Determine Central Tendencies & Spread: After students collect their data, they will evaluate the central tendencies (mean and median) of their data set. Students will also find mode and spread. The students will use the central tendency and spread handout provided to show their work and answers.
Three Representations of the Data: Students will be asked to create three representations of their personal data sets. Students should represent the data in representations that make sense and clearly shows their data. Examples of representations include, box plots, histograms, bar graphs, dot plots, and stem and leaf plots. Written Explanation: The students will create a mathematical essay describing their data collect. The students will be asked to determine which central tendency best describes their data set and why. Students will also explain each representation and what the representation shows from their data. The students will also need to explain what each representation does not show. The students should be able to express what their data means through careful analysis and written description.
Creating a Statistical Question Name: _____________________ Date: _____________________ Creating a Statistical Question Directions: Create three possible questions that can have multiple answers when collecting data. Possible Statistical Questions: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Which of the three questions above will be easiest for you to collect data among friends and family? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Approval: _____________________________________
Name: ___________________ Date: ___________________ Colleting Data Directions: Ask 25 individuals the statistical question approved. List and label each piece of data collected in the chart below. Name Answer Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Name Answer Notes 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Determine if your data contains any outliers. Be sure to list each outlier and then explain how you know it is an outlier. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Central Tendencies & Spread Name: ____________________ Date: _____________________ Central Tendencies & Spread Directions: Using the data collected, calculate the central tendencies and spread (mean, median, mode, & range). Show work below-Mean: ___________ Show work below-Median: __________ Show work below-Mode: ___________ Show work below-Range: ___________
Data Representations Data Representations Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Data Representations Directions: Using the data collected, create three different representations. Each representations needs to be completed on a separate piece of graph paper. Below list the three representations chosen. 1._______________ 2. ________________ 3._______________ Name: _____________________ Date: ________________ Data Representations Directions: Using the data collected, create three different representations. Each representations needs to be completed on a separate piece of graph paper. Below list the three representations being chosen. 1._______________ 2. ________________ 3._______________
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________________________________ Statistical Essay Directions: After all data is collected and analyzed students will write an essay that will describe what the data collected means. Essay must be typed. Below is the rubric to help organize the essay. 5-10 10-15 15-20 20-25 Introduction Students introduce their statistical question with no detail. No thesis statement. Students introduce their statistical question with little detail. Does not include a thesis statement. Students introduce their statistical question with good detail. Includes a thesis statement. Students introduce their statistical question with great detail. Includes a great thesis statement. Describe Central Tendencies and Spread Students did not describe all central tendencies or spread. Students described some of the central tendencies and spread. Students described most of the central tendencies and spread. Students described all of the central tendencies and spread. Describe which central tendency best describes data with explanation. Students did not describe which central tendency best describes the data. Students somewhat described the best central tendency of the data. Students described which central tendency best describes the data. Students described which central tendency best describes the data with thorough explanations. Describe representations (What each shows and what each does not show) Students did not describe each representation of the data. Students somewhat described each representation of the data. Students described each representation of the data. Students described each representation of the data with thorough explanations. Conclusion Students did not include a conclusion of their statistical project. Students included a short conclusion of their statistical project. Students have a conclusion of their statistical project with some detail. Students have a conclusion about their statistical project with great detail and a restated thesis statement. Spelling & Grammar Students’ paper includes a lot of spelling and grammar errors. Students’ paper includes a good amount of spelling and grammar errors. Students’ paper has a few spelling and grammar errors. Students’ paper has no spelling or grammar errors. Total ___/150