Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS HEP @ IHEP Yifang Wang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Starting Point: Cosmic-rays Since 50’s: Cosmic-rays at high altitude in Yunnan & Tibet using emulsion & cloud chambers Since 90’s: Asg (China-Japan coll.) & ARGO (China-Italy coll.) in Tibet Latest result: Asg observed high energy g-rays, up to 450 TeV, from Crab Nebula important for the understanding of the origin and the acceleration mechanism of cosmic-rays Yunnan, 3200m, 60’s Cloud Chamber, 60’s Tibet, 4200m Tibet, 4200m, 90’s
Next: LHAASO (Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory) A large air shower array for cosmic-rays and g-astronomy A combination of plastic scintillators, water and flourescent Cherenkov detectors Complementary to CTA: Time-variant and extended sources Fast indication for CTA ¼ Construction completed. Full construction by 2020. Sichuan, 4300 m a.s.l. Main Array: 5195 scintillator detectors every 15 m & 1146 –detectors every 30 m Water Cherenkov Detector 80,000 m2
CMB at Tibet:AliCPT AliCPT(5250m) is the best site in the north hemisphere for CMB: a great opportunity Moisture in winter: 1.0 mm Nearby(~6000m): 0.5 mm Best in the world Existing infrastructure Good sky coverage Goal: Polarization of CMB for primordial gravitational waves Prove of inflation at the very beginning of big bang Status: under construction
X-ray astronomy in Space Insight-HXMT Insight-HXMT satellite was launched on June 15, 2017 Smooth operation A number of papers published, including the search for EW signal during the neutron-star merger with GW detected ME LE HE 11.5 m × 8.78 m × 4.74m eXTP eXTP is the next generation telescope for“Enhanced X-ray Timing and Polarization Mission” A leading flagship observatory for black holes, neutron stars and extreme physics A large international collaboration
Cosmic-Rays in Space AMS02 3D crystal calorimeter for dark matter searches and cosmic-rays Acceptance & energy range 10 Collaboration with Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, … To be launched in 2025 X0(λ) ∆E/E for e e/p sep GF m2sr HERD (2020) 55(3) 1% 10-6 3.1 Fermi (2008) 10 12% 10-3 0.9 AMS02 (2011) 17 2% 0.12 DAMPE (2015) 31 10-4 0.3 CREAM (2015) 20(1.5) --
Underground n Experiment: Daya Bay Redundancy !!! n1 n2 n3 Solar n Oscillation sin22q12 ~ 0.9 Atm. n Oscillation Sin22q23 ~ 1 q13 ? Cross check; Reduce errors by 1/N
A New Type of n Oscillation Electron anti-neutrino disappearance observed in 2012: R = 0.940 ±0.011 (stat) ±0.004 (syst) Sin22q13 = 0.092 0.016(stat) 0.005(syst) c2/NDF = 4.26/4, 5.2 σ for non-zero θ13 F.P. An et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, (2012) 171803; citation > 2000
Implications and Prospects sin22q13: One of 28 free parameters of the Standard Model; one of 6 oscillation parameters; complete the oscillation pattern. Precision improved from ~ 20% to ~ 3%; Combined with T2K & Nova, leptonic CP Phase is estimated to be ~ -90o at 2s level New experiments start: JUNO, DUNE/LBNF, HyperK,… H. O’keeffe, talk@LP2019
Next Step: The JUNO Experiment NPP Daya Bay Huizhou Lufeng Yangjiang Taishan Status Operational Planned Under construction Power 17.4 GW 18.4 GW Overburden ~ 700 m 20 kt Liquid Scintillator Yangjiang NPP Taishan NPP Daya Bay NPP Huizhou NPP Lufeng NPP 53 km Hong Kong Macau Guang Zhou Shen Zhen Zhu Hai 2.5 h drive Daya Bay JUNO Previous site candidate by 2020: 26.6 GW
Physics at JUNO Mass Hierarchy sensitivity with 6 years' data(Thanks to large q13): Properties of each kind of supernova n Ref: Y.F Li et al, PRD 88, 013008 (2013) Relative Meas. (a)Use absolute Dm2 (b)Realistic case 3s 4s Precision measurement of mixing parameters Current JUNO Dm212 4% 0.6% Dm223 sin2q12 6% 0.7% sin2q23 10% N/A sin2q13 6% 4% ~ 15% Discovery of diffused Supernova n
JUNO Detector and Challenges Largest LS detector 20 KamLAND, 40 Borexino Highest light yield 2 Borexino, 5 KamLAND Hugh cavern: ~ 50m 70m Largest Acrylic tank: F 35.4m( 13m@SNO) 20 kt LS Best attenuation length: 25m (15m @ Daya Bay) 20000 20” PMT Highest photon detection efficiency : 30%*100% = 30%(25%*60%=15% @ SuperK) 44.5m 43.5m
JUNO Collaboration 17 countries/regions,77 institutions,~620 members
Neutrino Physics: Future In ten years from now, oscillation will be completely understood. MH and CP phase will be determined 0n bb decay will be the next breakthrough Hints from cosmology: mn < ~1 eV Guess from Oscillation: mn ~1 meV Katrin will probe to mn ~ 0.2 eV 0n bb decay should target for ~ 1meV (m ve)eff =[Σi | Uei |2 m2 vi ]1/2 <Mee> = | Σi (Uei )2 m vi | Isotopes Mass(t) <mbb>,meV nEXO 136Xe 5 7-22 GERDA/Majorana 76Ge 1 10-40 SNO+ 130Te 8 19-46 KamLAND-Zen ~20 JUNO-bb 50 4-12 Insert a balloon filled with 136Xe-loaded LS(or 130Te) into the JUNO detector Zhao et al., arXiv: 1610.07143, CPC 41(2017)5
Next Step: CEPC Since 2005, we were discussing the next machine after BEPC/BEPCII Thanks to the low mass Higgs, there is the possibility to build a Higgs Factory: Circular e+e- Collider(CEPC) Looking for Hints (from Higgs) direct searches The tunnel will allow us to build pp, AA, ep colliders in the far future: Super proton-proton Collider(SppC) The idea to build a circular Higgs factory followed by a proton machine, was discussed for the first time at the Higgs factory workshop in Oct. 2012
Precision Higgs Physics at CEPC No signal at At LHC: Direct searches: M ~ 1 TeV 10% precision: M ~ 1 TeV Look for signals at CEPC: 1% precision M ~10 TeV CEPC preCDR Volume 1 (p.9) Precision EW test, QCD & flavor physics are also important 10 TeV: 10-4 New Physics < 10 TeV ?
Public release of printed CDR volumes in IHEP on 14th Nov., 2018 From Pre-CDR to CDR CEPC CDR was released in Aug. & Oct., 2018 Public release of printed CDR volumes in IHEP on 14th Nov., 2018
CEPC Baseline Layout Lumi. Higgs W Z Z(2T) 1034 2.93 11.5 16.6 32.1 Baseline design: 100 km, 30MW/beam Switchable between H and Z/W w/o hardware change (magnet switch) Upgradable to 50MW/beam, ttbar & high Lumi Z Lumi. Higgs W Z Z(2T) 1034 2.93 11.5 16.6 32.1 Luminosities exceed those in the pre-CDR
Accelerator R&D ……
International Collaboration “China initiated large international science projects” Goal: 1/3 international contributions Seriously discussed at the European HEP strategy International advisory board established MOUs signed with many institutions Workshop on CEPC-EU edition May 24-26, 2018, Rome, Italy April 15-17, 2019, Oxford Next: May, 2020, Marseille 1/3 international participation
Other Accelerator Facilities CSNS: 100 kW 500 kW ADS injector: 10MeV@10 mA 250 MeV@10 mA 1.5 GeV @ 10 mA HEPS: 6 GeV@ 0.06 nmrad
Particle & Astro-Particle Physics at IHEP Current Future Accelerator-based Precision frontier BESIII ILC,FCC CEPC SppC Belle II、PANDA、COMET,GlueX,LHCb Energy frontier CMS、ATLAS Non-accelerator-based Underground Daya Bay JUNO nEXO EXO Surface ARGO/ASg LHASSO AliCPT Space AMS HERD eXTP HXMT