WG2 ADAS report – May Marseille


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Presentation transcript:

WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 -Marseille

Background WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 WG2 Diagnostic discussed the possibility of holding a workshop to access the calibration of ADAS at the end of 2017. The workshop, held in February of 2018, resulted in the formation of a small working group to decide on any actions that EGEA should consider. The group met as a sub group of WG2 Diagnostics and defined some tasks, the background being the EU 3rd mobility package that includes mandatory ADAS for passenger vehicles. It was agreed that the small group should become an official WG alongside WG2 Diagnostics and Emissions with it’s own scope and objectives. The first meeting as a WG was held in January of this year.

WG2 ADAS Meetings to date WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 WG2 ADAS Meetings to date Workshop on ADAS Calibration – 14.02.2018 Small WG on ADAS Calibration – 26.06.2018 Small WG on ADAS Calibration – 23.01.2019 WG2 ADAS – 05/06.03.2019 Next meeting planned for 02.07.2019

Scope WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 The WG will consider all ADAS, but with the initial focus on systems that require some form of calibration. Provide support to WG2 Diagnostic in common initiatives and where synergies exist, this needs to be reciprocal. Target groups/Stakeholders that are considered by this WG as directly affected. In addition to taking into account interests of other independent stakeholders involved in ADAS. Insurance organisations Investigative operators Independent workshops Body shops Glass repairers and/or replacement operators PTI organisations Accident assessors Roadside assistance organisations

Objectives (1) WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 Ensure that the rights of access to information encased in legislation, regulations and standardisations are upheld for independent operators, so that appropriate equipment e.g. Calibration Targets, and information are available to conduct and document a manufacturer’s specific repair or calibration in the independent market. Investigate and propose a suitable licencing/certification model for workshops and technicians, considering the principle of the SERMI scheme as a possible basis for this in order to create an audit trail for repair and calibration. Specify a training concept to be used by training organisations to educate technicians in the correct repair and maintenance of ADAS.

Objectives (2) WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 Consider the creation of an EGEA Label specification to ensure that the equipment used in ADAS calibration is fit for purpose. Produce a ‘Best Practise’ document to ensure that independent operators are aware of what ADAS is, and the correct repair and calibration procedures are being carried out. (Already ongoing work) Lobby for technical support for ADAS systems, in particular safety related systems, requesting specific trouble-codes and descriptions to ensure detailed diagnostics and system integrity checks can be carried out. Support the implementation of an integrity/functional test of ADAS systems for use at PTI, including ePTI.

Tasks and co-operation's WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 Tasks and co-operation's Production of a “best practice” document analog the MAC brochure. Consider an online e-learning for ADAS as the IMI have in the UK Lobby for specific and detailed fault codes and descriptions for ADAS. An initiative by the Dutch has resulted in an ADAS Alliance being formed with Dutch associations. They will be invited to a meeting of he WG to discuss commonalities and possible joint efforts.

Summary and next steps WG2 ADAS report – May 2019 The WG is mainly formed from members of the WG2 Diagnostic. The work is closely linked to diagnostice The scope and objectives were agreed by all at the last meeting. The best practice document is in it’s first draft. The meetings are organised to be alongside the WG2 Diagnostic meeting to provide direct feedback. At the next meeting a chairman will be voted in.

Thank you for your attention