Never, Ever Break Bad News By Vicky Carrero, professor in Molecular Fakenews Science Seed: fakenews Generator: Title slide Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews', 'seed_wikihow_action_title': 'Break Bad News', 'seed_title': 'Fakenews'} Generated Elements: ['Never, Ever Break Bad News', 'By Vicky Carrero,\nprofessor in Molecular Fakenews Science']
Do you want to learn how to make a fake id? Seed: fakenews Generator: Yes/No/Funny Chart Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews', 'seed_wikihow_action_lower': 'make a fake id', 'chart_title': 'Do you want to learn how to make a fake id?', 'chart_title_get_last_noun_and_article_2_to_1_pronouns_lower': 'a fake id'} Generated Elements: ('Do you want to learn how to make a fake id?', 5, < object at 0x7fca163a2d30>, <function set_pie_properties at 0x7fca1f33be18>)
Historic Background Early 1990's Couple of years later Seed: fakenews Generator: Two History Pictures Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews'} Generated Elements: ('Historic Background', "Early 1990's", '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/TheWayWeWere+100yearsago+ColorizedHistory/b06owvjjnr931.jpg', 'Couple of years later', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/TheWayWeWere+100yearsago+ColorizedHistory/v9x21ud7dj431.jpg', True) Early 1990's Couple of years later
This amazed me earlier Seed: fakenews Generator: Full Screen Giphy Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews'} Generated Elements: ['This amazed me earlier', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/gifs+gif+gifextra+nonononoYES/kj2qk4c0foe31.gif', True]
Discussion Expectation Reality Seed: fakenews Generator: Two Captions Weird Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews'} Generated Elements: ('Discussion', 'Expectation', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/fakenews/3oriO6a2KKLMej1GyQ.gif', 'Reality', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/fakenews/1zlDaETqaWvkURru14.gif', True) Expectation Reality
What happened during my first time making a fake id Seed: fakenews Generator: Anecdote Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews', 'seed_wikihow_action_ing_2_to_1_pronouns_lower': 'making a fake id'} Generated Elements: [None, 'What happened during my first time making a fake id', '/app/downloads/google_images/fakenews/']
Let's look at this Seed: fakenews Generator: Full Screen Giphy Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews'} Generated Elements: ["Let's look at this", '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/gifs+gif+gifextra+nonononoYES/giphy.gif', True]
Do you know what a fakenews is? Seed: fakenews Generator: Yes/No/Funny Chart Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews', 'seed_a': 'a fakenews', 'chart_title': 'Do you know what a fakenews is?'} Generated Elements: ('Do you know what a fakenews is?', -4120, < object at 0x7fca16609c18>, <function set_doughnut_properties at 0x7fca1f33bea0>)
Fakenews How I see it What it actually is Seed: fakenews Generator: Two Captions Gifs Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews', 'seed_plural_title': 'Fakenews'} Generated Elements: ('Fakenews', 'How I see it', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/gifs+gif+gifextra+nonononoYES/b0ts46bly7v21.gif', 'What it actually is', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/fakenews/l0Iyau7QcKtKUYIda.gif', True) How I see it What it actually is
Key Points to End Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3 Seed: fakenews Generator: Conclusion Context: {'topic': 'fakenews', 'presenter': 'Vicky Carrero', 'seed': 'fakenews'} Generated Elements: ['Key Points to End', 'Conclusion 1', '/app/downloads/google_images/fakenews/fakenews.jpg', 'Conclusion 2', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/reddit/hmmm+hmm+wtf+wtfstockphotos+photoshopbattles+confusing_perspective+cursedimages+HybridAnimals+EyeBleach+natureismetal/7gy7k7ky5op11.png', 'Conclusion 3', '/app/talkgenerator/downloads/giphy/fakenews/l0EximrmXNFyjq3xm.gif', True] Conclusion 1 Conclusion 2 Conclusion 3