Quality Assurance and msds indicator 9 training Department of radiology,FMU,Faisalabad DR M SAQIB MUNIR,MBBS,MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION,CERTIFIED IN DATABASE ADMINISTRATION
What is Job Description A job description or JD is a document that describes the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position. It may specify the to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications or skills needed by the person in the job, and a salary range. Job descriptions are usually description but some may comprise a simple list of competencies. A job description is usually developed by conducting a job analysis, which includes examining the tasks and sequences of tasks necessary to perform the job.
Job Description A job usually includes several roles. According to Hall, the job description might be broadened to form a person specification or may be known as "terms of reference".
Minimum Service Delivery Standards Minimum Service Delivery Standards (MSDS) and indicators include the fundamental elements that should be present in all health care establishments in order to deliver safe health services. Health Standards and Indicators are dynamic, reflecting the constant development of healthcare treatments, practices and protocols. Evidence based research and are designed to promote a safe environment with managed risks. There 30 Foundation Standards and 162 associated indicators of Punjab Health Care Commission.
Service Delivery Standards Setting service delivery standards and indicators is an established practice for continuously improving provision of quality services in the health sector.
Standard 2 :Indicator 9 Adequately qualified and trained personnel perform, supervise and interpret the investigations. Each member of the Radiology Department should have a job description that defines the required level of training and experience equivalent to the specifications for imaging and diagnostic staff described in the Job Descriptions, and Performance Evaluation Criteria for Medical, Nursing and Paramedical Staff,Punjab Devolved Social Services Programme, Govt. of the Punjab, 2008-09. Review a sample (3-5 or 25% of staff whichever is greater) of human resource files for radiology technical and supervisory staff to determine if their qualifications, training and experience match the requirements in the job description and to operate the equipment that is being used. Continuous professional development7 should be active.
Adequately qualified and trained personnel perform, supervise and interpret the investigations. Scoring: 1. If the sampled individuals’ qualifications match the requirements in the job description, or if there are only minor variances (such as only 4 years of experience instead of 5), then score as fully met. 2. If only one technician does not have the qualifications required by the job description, then score as partially met, provided that there is evidence of enhanced supervision or training of this individual. 3. If two or more technicians do not have the required qualifications (in the job description), then score as not met.