BCG uptake by bladder cancer cells requires activated Pak1. BCG uptake by bladder cancer cells requires activated Pak1. A, UM-UC-3 was stably transduced with nontargeting or 2 Pak1 shRNAs. BCG uptake was measured by flow cytometry 4 hours after infection. Knockdown of Pak1 was shown by Western blotting. B, UM-UC-3 was stably transduced with nontargeting or 2 Pak2 shRNAs. BCG uptake was measured by flow cytometry 4 hours after infection. Knockdown of Pak2 and lack of significant effect on Pak1 expression were shown by Western blotting. C, specified cell lines were stably transduced with an empty vector, wild-type Pak1, or DN-Pak1(K299R) (N-terminal myc-tag). BCG uptake was measured by flow cytometry 4 hours after infection. Expression of myc-tagged Pak1 was shown by Western blotting. D, specified cell lines were stably transduced with an empty vector, wild-type Pak1, Pak1(T423E), or Pak1 (L107F) (N-terminal myc-tag). BCG uptake was measured by flow cytometry 8 hours after infection. Expression of myc-tagged Pak1 was shown by Western blotting. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.005; ***, P < 0.0005. Gil Redelman-Sidi et al. Cancer Res 2013;73:1156-1167 ©2013 by American Association for Cancer Research