Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Objectives Day 1 Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Day 2 Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimal places by 10 and by 100. Before teaching, be aware that: On Day 1 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens. On Day 2 children will need mini-whiteboards and pens, large digit cards and a flipchart. Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Starters Day 1 Place value in 1-place decimal numbers (pre-requisite skills) Day 2 Adding to the next whole number from a 1-place decimal number (simmering skills) Choose starters that suit your class by dragging and dropping the relevant slide or slides below to the start of the teaching for each day. Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Starter Place value in 1-place decimal numbers Pre-requisite skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 1 How do we write 6 millimetres as centimetres? 6mm is 6/10 of a cm, we can write it as 0.6cm. Children work in pairs to measure length of finger nails on one hand to the nearest mm and write each in cm. They rewrite the measurements in order of length. Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Starter Adding to the next whole number from a 1-place decimal number Simmering skills – to use this starter, drag this slide to the start of Day 2 Play ‘ping pong’. You call out a number with one decimal place, e.g. ‘3.6’. Children answer with the complement to the next whole number: ‘0.4’. You reply with the whole number: ‘4’. Then choose another number. Occasionally say ‘ping’ to which the children reply ‘pong’. Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Objectives Day 1 Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Year 5
Describe what is on each row. Day 1: Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Look at the place value chart, then talk to your partner about any patterns you notice… Describe what is on each row. What happens to the digit 5 when 5 is multiplied by 10? And divided by 10? Year 5
We can add these four numbers to make 25.89 Day 1: Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. We can add these four numbers to make 25.89 20 + 5 + 0.8 + 0.09 = 25.89 Year 5
Write the addition on your whiteboard. Day 1: Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Write the addition on your whiteboard. Year 5
Day 1: Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Check that children have written 55.05 not 55.5 Children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT: Play a game using the place value grid to reinforce the value of different digits. ARE/GD: ‘Zap’ digits in numbers with 2 decimal places, using a calculator. Be careful! There are only three numbers to add this time… Write the addition on your whiteboard. Year 5
The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT: Place value sheet 1. ARE: Place value sheet 2 (on screen). GD: Place value sheet 3. Challenge Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Objectives Day 2 Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimal places by 10 and by 100. Year 5
Day 2: Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimals by 10 and by 100. 2 0 0 A Two zeros ‘disappeared’! 2 3 4 This number is between 200 and 300. If we divide it by 100 we will expect the answer to be between 2 and 3. What will happen if we divide 200 by 100? What will happen if we divide 234 by 100? Year 5
HINT! Each digit will be 1/100 of its previous value. Day 2: Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimals by 10 and by 100. HINT! Each digit will be 1/100 of its previous value. Divide 593 by 100. Four children hold number cards 1, 2, 3 and 4 on either side of a large decimal point on the flipchart to show 12.34. Multiply your number by 10. Move to show the answer. Does everyone else agree? 12.34 × 10 = 123.4. Now multiply by 10 again. Now divide by 100. What happened? Year 5
Four new children show the number 4567. Day 2: Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimals by 10 and by 100. What is the 7 worth now? Four new children show the number 4567. Divide your number by 100. Move to show the answer. Now multiply by 10. Now multiply by 10 again. What is the 7 worth now? And now? Today would be a great day to use a problem-solving investigation – Dicey Operations in Line from NRICH (adapt Game 6) – as the group activity, which you can find in this unit’s IN-DEPTH INVESTIGATION box on Hamilton’s website. Alternatively, children can now go on to do differentiated GROUP ACTIVITIES. You can find Hamilton’s group activities in this unit’s TEACHING AND GROUP ACTIVITIES download. WT/ARE/GD: Use digit cards in place value grids to multiply and divide by 10 and 100 – up to 2 decimal places (different versions of the same activity). Year 5
The Practice Sheet on this slide is suitable for most children. Differentiated PRACTICE WORKSHEETS are available on Hamilton’s website in this unit’s PROCEDURAL FLUENCY box. WT/ARE: Function machines, Sheet 1 (on screen). GD: Function machines, Sheet 2 Year 5
Decimals and Fractions Multiply/divide by 10 and 100 to get decimals (2 decimal places) Place value additions Well Done! You’ve completed this unit. Objectives Day 1 Understand place value in numbers with 2 decimal places. Day 2 Divide by 10 and 100 to give answers with 2 decimal places; Multiply numbers with 2 decimal places by 10 and by 100. You can now use the Mastery: Reasoning and Problem-Solving questions to assess children’s success across this unit. Go to the next slide. Year 5
Problem solving and reasoning questions Divide 27680 by 10 repeatedly until you get a number that is less than 100. Write that number. Write the next two numbers in each sequence. 4650, 465 ____, ____ 2.953, 29.55 ____, ____ 9300, 930, 93 ____, ____ Write the missing numbers: 23.4 ÷ 10 = [__] [__] x 100 = 34 460 ÷ [__] = 4.6 Year 5
Problem solving and reasoning questions Divide 27680 by 10 repeatedly until you get a number that is less than 100. Write that number. 27.68 The sequence is: 27680 ÷ 10 = 2768 2768 ÷ 10 = 276.8 276.8 ÷ 10 = 27.68 Write the next two numbers in each sequence. 4650, 465, 46.5, 4.65 2.953, 29.55, , 295.5, 2955 9300, 930, 93, 9.3, 0.93 Write the missing numbers: 23.4 ÷ 10 = 2.34 0.34 x 100 = 34 460 ÷ 100 = 4.6 Year 5