Water Quality Vocabulary October 11, 2011 Non-point source Pollution- polluted runoff. Water washing over the land, whether from rain, car washing, or the watering of crops or lawns that runs into a stream. Point- source Pollution- polluted runoff from a particular source.( Ex: factory, pig farm, construction site, etc)
Water Quality Vocabulary October 12, 2011 Runoff- Water that moves over soil and carries pollutants and sediment into a water system. Fecal coliform bacteria- the waste product (feces) of animals that end up in water. Can cause water pathogens and disease.
Water Quality Vocabulary October 13, 2011 Hard water – Water that contains magnesium and calcium. ( Will not suds or wash clothes very well) Suspended solids- sediment (dirt, silt, mud) that is suspended in small amounts in water
Water Quality Vocabulary October 14, 2011 Wastewater treatment plant- municipal water treatment of used household, business and factory water. (Sewage treatment) Water treatment plant – River or lake water that is cleaned and purified by municipalities to use in household